The Savage Lands Roleplay Wiki

Thunrian: ( ) It had been about two weeks... Since Johnny had been placed in the hospital thanks to Shun. All of the other boys in the Karate club either stopped coming to visit him and quit the club for something else, or simply followed behind SHun. But not Kin... He stuck around Johnny the whole time he had been in the hospital, and when he went home all he'd do was train. Bettering himself with his chi control, and fully understanding the meaning of what it meant to use ones chi. It was hard enough to know that he didnt have anyone to guide him with this training anymore. Shun stopped coming to the Dojo, and then soon did the rest of the kids. Johnny was still in his coma, sleeping helplessly. And Kin continued to goto the Dojo, meditating and training. Every night of the full moon he'd take himeself down to the basement of the Dojo, locking himself up so he couldnt hurt anyone when he transformed. And seeminly

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enough it worked, Kin due Johnny's condition, and knowing who had hurt him. He couldnt control himself well.. ."AGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!! DAMN YOU!" Kin said as he slammed his fist into the Iron wall over and over again, red chi seaping around his very form the more his anger circled around him, consuming him in a blanket of red. His fist clenching tightly and after awhile he had shifted into his first stage of his wolf state. His fist beat away at the Iron wall harder... HARDER.. HARDER! Boom! Evantually he had broken through it with his new found inhuman strength. Later that night when the full moon had risen to its peak he stood atop of the Dojo, his eyes staring out at the large gate way. "... You.. you think you have a hold on me.." Kin said reaching his hand out towards the moon, clenching his fist tightly. " No... I control you... " He said taking a deep breathe again. He rushed down to Johnnys room, opening up the weight cases that he had seen Johnny wearing, pulling them around his wrists and his stomach. The Weights were each 400lbs each, it forced him down... adding up t0 1200lbs on his body in all. He had to use his chi just to push himself up to his feet. The Dojo phone began to ring, Kin picked it up. And listned... "... I see..." He

Shun 2

said closing his eyes shut. " I dont think, he had any relatives... I'll be there tonight..." Kin said hanging up. A cold blank stare on his face. " Why didnt I stop it... I'm sorry Johnny. I should have helped you.. but I froze up... I Just.." Kin had thought back on how he couldnt match Shun and Johnny when they fought, they had been battling like demons. And he knew he hadnt been on there level.. but tonight. It was differnt. His anger had been such an empowerment that his combat prowess had went beyond its normal capablites at this point. Gathering up His Sensei's older Gi with the sleeves ripped off he pulled on the head band and stepped outside. He sniffed out Shun's scent and began his slow walk to that general area of focus. He passed through the Highschool and was soon enough on his way to the District 2 area where Shun had been. Kin had one thing on his mind... Murder... He wanted to Kill SHun, he wanted to get him back for hurting his Sensei. And so he set out to do Just that... to Murder him. It had been the only thing on his mind at this point. The Chain belt that belonged to his Sensei swayed left to right as he continued his thunderous stroll. With his walk he had stopped, turning his head to look up at... he had been near Suzumes home at this point. And if she had been home, she'd more than likely see Kin stand outside of her window briefly as his eyes glowed a bright red. "... " Weather she saw him or not, he'd turn his head down to the street ahead,following the scent of his soon to be dead peer. "...Shun... you'll pay.. for Killing Johnny..."

xXPanSonXx: ::She sat at the desk in her room, she had spent a big part of the evening working on a report for one of her classes. She heard her parents watching television from their bedroom, and other than the gentle purr of Nono sitting on the desk top right next to the computer screen, the house was eerily silent. You'd think this would be the ideal environment for her to concentrate, but all Suzume could be was nervous. She kept glancing out the window at the moon, knowing what it meant... and what was going on. Somewhere Kin was fighting to keep himself in control of the beast within, and ever since the night the beast rampaged through the city she had been nervous on a full moon. Many times she had tired to convince Kin to let her stay with him when it happened, thinking maybe she could help. But every time he refused and told her it was too dangerous. She sighed, having looking at the same blinking cursor on the screen for the past fifteen minutes, tapping her fingers on the desk just on the other side of the mouse.:: "Dammit..." ::Giving up she got up from the desk, Nono peaked one eye open at her for a second and then, moved from his spot to stretch and yawn. She looked over at the cat while standing in the middle of her room.:: "You think he's okay Nono?... I hope he's okay..." ::She crossed the few steps over to the window to look out at the moon again. There were a few clouds in the sky but for the most part it was clear, with it being fall the full moon seemed so big and so close casting an eerie orange glow over the street below. That's when she saw something she didn't expect... Kin walking down the street. Her heart began to race fearing something was wrong. He just looked up at her window and kept on walking. He had been distant from her the past week and she knew why, but seeing him outside on the night of a full moon was never a good thing. She quickly grabbed her jacked, while still wearing her pj's she scampered down the stairs hoping she wouldn't wake her parents. With her slippers on she slipped out he front door.:: "Kin!" ::She called out to him.::

Thunrian: ( ) Kin had stopped in his tracks, turning back around to face her with a glare that he'd give to one that he had been in sheer disqust with. After the transformation, He now has a level of confidence within himself that he hadn't had before. Proud, and almost arrgonant now he tends to be a bit of a Jerk to those who he finds inferior. He has a Superior complex now, looking down on anyone who isn't up to par with him in his untanural strength, Where he once afraid of a challange he now accepts them all head first. " Human..." He said to her, glaring down at Suzume with a look of sheer hate. " Have you ever been so angry that you wished to burn every organism around you? That Human. My Sensei... He died today. Because of one of the other mortals in the Karate club. And even though I care nothing for the human.. I feel something deep inside of me, that wants nothing but to destroy the one who caused harm to him. Its instincual. " Kin said to Suzume, his voice seemed boomingly deeper, something happened quite often on full moons. Kin hadn't been himself. " Human life, it is siginifcant to the grand scheme of things. And yet they had destroyed majoirty of the wolves before ww2 even had ended. Hmph, and they called Us the monsters. " Kin said clenching his fist. " I will Destroy the one, who destryoed others for there stupid self-riechous goals. And I'll kill anyone that gets in my way for my revenge. Even YOU.." As Kin said this last portion, it'd seem like he had shifted for a brief moment to Suzume before he reverted back to normal once again. ( Tumblr_n0kjjb1JI91rn8y9oo1_500.jpg ) Kin had shifted into the first stages of his wolf transformation, his skin had darkned and his sharp canines had been outside of his mouth, his claws had been sharper as well and hs once brilliant glowing gold eyes, were now a crimison blood soaked red. " Dont follow me... Or I will Kill you. I dont need your death on my concious. Where I'm going there is no definant that even I will return. So, Go home Suzume... and be happy. " He said turning his back on her and continuing his stroll down the streets. The Sound of a police siren had been blaring heavily in the background to signify that something had happened just blocks away from Suzumes home. Kin hadn't been himself tonight, he was his other half, the other half he couldnt control. ANd with being under the constant emotional distress, his other half had been starting to win.

Walking into the hands of destiny...[]

The slow footsteps patterned through as he left Suzume to her lonesome to dwell over the morbid words he had recently shared with her. The taste if belittling her had left a sour tinge within his mouth. Deep inside he had hated what he said, what he had done. But his soul, coated in the curses beneficent chi would bewilder kin beyond a level of true comprehension.

With dissipating thoughts, and a forbidding conscience. , kin made his way finally to where shun had been located. His eyes dead set on the area as he began to scan over it. His fist clenching up as he thought about his Sensei and all the time he had shared with him. That was all over now. He had been standing there, with his eyes dead set on the building. It had belong to a chinese syndicate by the name of ' Lan Di Ming' Kin stared at there insignia on the front door. His anger boiling to the point of 500 degress. He was steaming, and ready to explode..

" Oi, Shun, someones outside..."Said one of the Triad members. Shun cocked a brow as he walked outside to see none other then Kin staring back at him with red eyes. " Intersting, alright... give him something to work with boys, keep our guest entertained till my brother returns. " He said sitting in his chair within the office. " Kill him? " " Do as you please. Think of it this way, with him in the way we wont be able to make that Dojo into that sex slave parlor you guys have been ranting on about. He's here for revenge, over me killing our Sensei. SO I want to see the fruits of his training after these past few months." Shun said smiling, pulling his hands up to his face as he closed his eyes.

All of the triad members had met Kin the lobby, each one armed with guns or better yet Katana's or some other form of death weaponry. " Hey Kid! Orders are to kill ya! " Kin tilted his head up staring down at all of the men, clenching his fist as tight as he could as images of his Sensei began to soar into his head like a raging waterfall. ".... Koi ( Come on..) " Kin had said in Japanese as he got into his stance. With Kin's high apittude in Karate over the past few months, he has devloped a style that focus in with his physiology along with his curse. In Kaju-Karate it uses the same state as normal base Karate but with Kin's intense strength, and with Michiko teaching Kin about the human anatomy he is now a fierce combatant. His Karate style is based of bone breaking and dismemberment. He takes little mercy on his opponents and will easily dispatch them. This style has the fire power that each stricken given is a death blow. Each punch in this style is designed to shatter bones. And the impact of each strike can render the opponent useless.

One can only survive Johnny Shows Training to get the basics of this style.  Pushing the physical body to the peak of bone chilling projection. EACH strike in this style breaks bones. If the opponent is of a superior or high physiology , beyond human then the strikes will instead fracture WITHOUT chi. However if the practitioner did in fact indues his strikes with chi. Then even those of a physically superior physiology will to face the wrath of the Kaiju-Karate. This style is the orginal Karate style that Johnny Show had taught Kin, but below are the sub-styles the had come up with for himself in addition to the styles orginal principals.  All 45 of the Triad members began to circle around the young man before they all shouted in Unison and charged Kin!

He pushed to the right, blocking an incoming strike with his forearm, only to use his other attacking hand to slam his fist into his opponents elbow causing his whole arm to shatter, he then judo flipped the man into two of his comerades by his broken arm. He dropped down to the ground rolling as he dodged a series of gun shots before he kicked off the ground spiraling into the air rapidly before he landed on a banner than had been hanging above everyones heads. He soared across the room by the banner dodging the gun fire as he tucked himself left to right with a rapid succession untill he kicked off the banner and went soaring down atop the Triaids head who had been shooting prior, sending a boot into his skull he'd shatter his head on contact. Kin had been... Killing them... He had been Killing them all.

" FUCK YOU KIDD!" One triad said firing a missile at Kin with A rpg. " KIDDO THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ?!?!!?" Said one of the other triaids. Kin had used his Chi technique within his new style at that very moment.  ( ) Kin uses a technique that he learned a bit after his training with Johnny, in attempts to hone his techniques even further beyond than what they had currently been. This takes it sepcifally from The Kaijuu Bakuhatsu No Ken. It iis an advanced technique that can turn one’s hand or foot into a violent blade like weapon. The true capability of this technique has the ability to stab or cut out flesh easily. Decimating opponents in single strikes.  It also has the capability of completely ripping the human body to shreds in the area hit, should the attack come into contact. This however does come with setbacks as without mastery, this technique can cause great strain on the arm or body of the user, so much so to the point where physical recovery is a MUST. Pushing one’s body to become a literal blade at most already forcible enough, and doing it for elongated periods of time would make it even more strenuous. Without mastery of this ability, the arm is sure to be sliced in multiple places, though only to minor degrees.  If mastered this technique will render the users body or fist a deep crimson red color, and only be seeable by chi practitioners, but it's effect can be felt regardless. Should someone master the perks of this state, they can become a being of hate, that can slaughter any being, but not without great cost to their own body. With this Technique he ran on all fours towards the missle and leaped over it, slicing around every thing but the igniter of the bomb. He hit the ground on his right knee staring at everyone through the blades of his hair as the missles pices scattered throughout the area and exploded in rapid succession. Kin slowly stood to his full height breathing heavily as he tilted his head up. ".... Your all weak.." He said as he began to grow in anger! Kin got down into his stance again, but he switched off running on all fours again. " FOR MY SENSEI!"

Meanwhile at the hospital Johnny had been staioned.

" The young man who said he'd come here to see Johnny off hasnt made it yet, do we continue to hold the body untill he does? " Said the nurse into the doctor. " Seems as so this is what we should do, he's the only person who's came to see Johnny since he's been admittited into our building for all of this time. Its best we wait untill we see when the young man will arrive. " The Nurse nodded her head as she turned over to look at the Dceased Johnny Show, smirking a bit. " He looks like he's smiling... almost..." Said the Nurse, putting her right hand on her hip. " Yeah, It seems as so doesnt it..." The Doctor had responded as he shut the door, after guiding the nurse out.

Flash Back two months ago...

" Kin your a pretty bright Kid, I've taken a notice that your into superheroes, but you know... there's something in you that I fear. I fear that... if your not careful. You will let the darkness consume you. The Purest of hearts, can become the most horid of monsters. Just remember Kin, your not a monster. Your a young man, with alot going for him. When I was your age, I was in the Kagemaru clan, under your grandfather Keyome Tasanagi. I watched an empire rise and fall, ive seen really good men, and then ive seen really bad. But the monstorus of men, that i've always seen are the ones that once claimed to fight for good at one point in there life. Just stay true to you, and remember why you fight. Dont give into the darkness, the temptation... Never give in to any form of hatred." Kin had lifting his weightswhen he stopped in mid work-out, looking out at his mentor. "...What do you mean.." Kin said dropping the weights. Johnny went silent putting his hands behind his head. " When I was your age, i tampred with the Darkness... and I become lost, in the mist of it all. I had become a monster, it took a long time before i found my light and was able to pull myself out of the dark. I dont want you to follow that same path..." He said to Kin turning around to face his younger pupil. Kin nodded his head. " Alright Sensei... I wont tamper with the Darkness. Unless I have no choice. " " A wise man once said to me..." Johnny said placing his right hand on his hip, as he stared out at the Sun-setting sky. " To defend the light, you must first know the darkness. And must always be strong..."

Present time...

( ) The Doors on the hinges would explode off, tumbling into the ground with a hard wooden clang. And there had Kin been. His fist clenched tightly, snarling like a wild animal. " Well, well. you made it to the party... " Shun said smirking, watching Kin walk in a bloody mess. His breathing had been heavy, and stiff stoned. " Why..." He said walking to Shun, attempting to punch the male in his seat but Shun had caught Kin's fist. "Because, he pissed me off." Kin tilted his head up and slammed his head into Shun's head. " NO!... you think that makes it right!" " He was teaching a stupid peap squeak like you techniques that he completely refused to teach me. He dishonred me. Fucking Ex- Yakuza Scum.." Kin clenched his teeth and let out an animal like roar that even threw Shun off as he used his inhuman strength to tackle the male out of the building where they'd be flung into the distrist 2 hover car traffic. They hit a trucks hood where they both rolled on top of it untill Kin Used his claws to catch himself from falling off the edge, and Shun used his immense inhuman strength to hold himself along the edge, he'd toss himself onto the roof where he'd walk over to Kin, looking down at him. " Weakling..." He said slamming his foot down on Kins hand, Kin fell off the edge of the truck tumbling through the air before he used his claws to catch hold to the truck door and sling himself to the top of the truck behind Shun. "... The hell are you..." He said to Kin, staring him down from a distance. "... I am... A monster." Kin responded with a hellishly deeper voice as he shifted into his first transformation state. Semi-wolfed out he got into his other form of Kaiju-Karate. Okami-Kaiju-Karate, This style is based on Kin using his curses abilites within the styles already forceful ways. Using his claws and the such he beats, slashes and decimates his opponents with this base of the style. He will even go so far as biting his opponent and ripping out chunks of flesh to render them useless. He even uses the sharp talons on his feet as weapons. His claws each being 2 inches deep he can cut even deeper into the if he choose to. This being the most primal of the style he will often use more of his acrobatics in this style, lots of high flying manuevers and the such. He leaped into the air after Shun, sending out a sereis of kicks only for Shun to dodge and weave through them all, doing a Pitblow like Technique into his stomach, before he did a double axed front flip kick into the top of Kins head, but! Kin had leaned back dodging the technique by leaning backwards. Shun had then did a 360 sweep kick, knocking kin off his feet into the air, right infront of a incoming hover car. Kin using his full moon enhanced reflexes and ability he did a full spin off the hood, kicking off another hover car and then lunging himself right back at Shun. Shun did a round house kick towards Kins face as he lunged at him, but Kin had spun off his lung landing on the roof of the trunk again before he rose back up with a knee, and then two swift claw strikes in Shuns throat. But shun had blocked them both with his bare hands!

Kin had sent out a series of 15 strikes in all, but Shun had countered it easily with a technique that Kin himself knew as well. A combat method that involves controlling the entire radius within one's arm length, creating a spherical shield around oneself. It can be used for offence and defence. Weapon users such as Sai Kagerou can extend the range to several feet around them with the additional length of their weapons, allowing them to defend even at mid-range. More experienced fighters can even extend the range with minimal lengths by using air pressure. However, a Seikuken with a larger radius is not necessarily better, as Odin had his jacket grabbed by Kenichi when one of his arms were brushed aside, leaving him open at extremely close range. Besides having a larger radius, having a Seikuken with a very small radius can also be useful too. He blocked all of Kins techniques before he finally sent a powerful punch into Kins chest blasting him through a hover car with ease causing a rippling explosion. " Heh... Nice try Kid, maybe next time..." He said Kicking off the truck hover car and landing back into the streets. "... Weakling, trying to face me..." As Shun began to walk through the alley, He'd get football tackled through a building causing him to crash through the one to the right of him. Kin had been burned to a crisp, and SHun could see this clearly as he looked up at Kin from the ground. But within the moon light, Kin had begun to heal.. his body healing over completely as he looked down at Shun. A golden aura burning brightly around him as he did. ( " FOR SENSEI!" Kin said sending down a heavenly axe kick in which Shun rolled backwards dodging. Kin lunged forward with a combo of his own beating his way through Shun! Punch after kick, followed up with a series of Knee strikes, Kin's enhanced speed would have over come Shun completely. Uppercutting Shun in the chin with an Inhuman strength as he roared a Hellish roar. " what... what the hell are you!?!? I KILLED YOU!!" Shun said as he was blasted into the air.  " I AM THE MONSTER OF VENGENACE!!!" Kin said as he began to shift, not holding back anything against shun. " I AM THE MONSTER THAT WILL TEACH YOU THE WAY OF HIS ANGER, THAT HAS NO BOUNDS, I AM THE TORTURED, I AM THE WEAK, I AM THE BEATEN, I AM KAIJUMARU!!!!!!" Shuns eyes lit up in horror. " YOUR... YOUR THE MONSTER?!?" Kins eyes began to glow a bright red as he shifted into his state for a brief moment. Beating into Shun over and over again. " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YAHAHAHAYAYAHAHAYAYYAYAAYAYAY!!!!!!!" Kin said as he beat the stared pupil into submission.

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How the assualt looked. ^^^

' This Cant be... this style.. did he make this style with what Johnny taught him? How can this be!' Shun said as his mouth exploded with blood before he was blasted into the ground with a massive wave of debris. Kin Hovered over Shuns broken body, tilting his head up as he stoodover the male with a level of triumph that had been inhuman. He had shifted into his first stage of his wolf state. " Im using... all of my power, so I dont kill you right now.... every bone, every muscle, tendon... every thing is severed within you right now. I used the technique that Sensei taught me..." " No..way, you... couldnt have.. mastered... that.... too soon..." Kin tilted is head up, his eyes glowing a bright red as the moon casted shadow over his form to make him look more hellish. As if the moon had been backing him up. " I did... I mastered the Shinogidachi..." A powerful Ki-based technique. By condensing their own Ki and allowing it to explode outwards from their body, the user can sever and pierce the connection between the "Meridians" which are pathways within a living beings body that their life force flows along. By piercing this connection the user can temporarily shut down the pressure points on whatever part of the opponent's body that they hit, temporarily stopping the muscles from hardening and disrupting the vital force of the opponent's body, overall making the opponent's body defenseless and fragile enough to be able to kill them in one blow if the technique hits the opponent directly. Even if the technique does not completely connect with the opponent's body, being grazed by this technique will sap the strength in whatever body part it touches, rendering it almost useless. This technique is a powerful, unavoidable technique, but is also a double-edged sword. Because the user must forceably open and close his own "Meridians" in order to use this technique, the user puts a massive amount of strain on their body every time the technique is used, taking severe and sometimes unhealable damage to themselves as a result of using this technique. Johnny taught this last thing to Kin, before he died. Kin left Shun there in his broken state. " You'll... never walk again. all that power, and now your helpless... Pathetic human. You'll never be able to match me... or Connor Ryoji..." He said leaving Shun in the dust, paralized form the neck down, all shun could do was shout at the top of his lungs in sheer agony... and defeat.

Seeya later...[]

( ) Kin had made his way into the hospital room, beaten and bruised from all the fighting, his clothing a tattered mess as he sat down next to his sensei's broken form. He placed his right hand on his Sensei's hand and smiled. " Hey Sensei... I won my first fight with your training..." The Sun began to set, and Kin had been shifting back into his normal state. " I did it, I was strong... because you taught me how to..." He said nodding his head. " And I didnt let the Darkness consume me... " Kin said breaking down into tears as his fist clenching tightly over the only father figure he's truly had in some time. " I learned how to be strong... Because i knew the darkness... To defend the light, you must first know the darkness. And must always be strong... Isnt that right... Sensei..." He said nodding his head, standing up to his full height. " Ill take those words, to my grave Sensei. Thank you, for everything youve taught me." He said bowing his head and walking to the window he entered from. " I'm not good with goodbyes so.... Seeya later... that sound about right to you?" Kin said smiling looking back at his Sensei before he leaped out of the window. ' For Sensei...' He said to himself in a whispear as he floated down to the ground, dashing from building to building. The sun beaming down on him, like it had been backing him up...
