The Savage Lands Roleplay Wiki

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The rain drained down over his head, as he turned his head to watch the hellicarrier pass over his head. The Hellicarrier soared down, picking up Mr.Lionheart so that they could make there departure elsewhere. Little did he know, that today would be the day.

Thunrian: ( )Hiro had made his way through the Heli-carrier. Ochigi Ryoji right next to him. All bet's were off at this point... the city had been changed. Over Sezied. The times for secrect superhero identites and the such were over. " You look like him..." Ochigi said to Hiro as they walked down the hallway. " So you really... are a clone hm? " " If you mean, Keyome Tasanagi? Then Yes... I am a clone... of my father. " He said keeping himself focused on the path ahead. It has been a full 11 month's since the tragedy. And that doens't count when there bodies were found 4 month's after it. It's taken almost a year just to restore them all... at this point. Michiko and her science team, along with Ochigi and his mecatronic's. Have done something that goes beyond the will of God(s). They ressurected life.... Each young hero that died that day. Had been in pod's of the sort. Floating in a regenative factor. Most of there bodies had been discarded into nothing but that didnt matter now. They were recreated even down to the molecurlar scale! The pod had been known as the R.O.P.'s. AKa the Ressurection Organisim Pods. These Medical Machines are mainly used by PMC Organization's. However they were also used in the GMAF's the year prior. When a person is badly injured, or even completely dead. They are put into this tank and hooked up with a breathing apparatus and other various wires, allowing operators of the machine to monitor the recipient's vitals from outside of the tank. It can read the bio-mass and genetic strcutures of one's form and recreate it. According to previous users. The vessel induces a blissful and soothing sensation of recovery on whomever it is healing. After healing up, the person can then leave the tank, fully rejuvenated. Because of some of the Omega Gene effect. Some Individuals ( Depending on Physiology )increase a Human/Humanoids power after use, making it a very useful object for the PMC's. The Liquid within the Pod is what really does the trick however. The substance that fills each pod is a chemical blend of unknown composition, seemingly originating from somewhere within the Earth's crust. Which can only be broken down by scientific means. The chemicals can rejuvenate the sick and the dying and even the dead if the genetic coding is correct. The downfall to this, is that it will typically kill a healthy user. In addition, it appears to act as a youth restorative sometimes, decreasing the age of a user depending how long they were in the pod. Michiko found the substance after one of her science teams brought back the guided information. Analyzing it for herself the foruma was made. This substance that was so deep within the earth's crust is ironically beneathe the Heroes for hire cave... where Michiko was able to track this down. Asking Ochigi for permission he allowed an escavation to commense. Kaori, the leader of the black glove society gave Michiko the 6 million dollar funds for this project.... A secret agency/organization that was founded by the survivors of World War III which took place years before the city of Kasaihana was built. The purpose of creating the organization was to put a quick end to the world leaders contributing to the war with their chemical weapons and weapons of mass destruction, by recruiting the world's most qualified soldiers and turning them into highly-skilled assassins that would take out army generals and other men and women of power. Among one of the founders was Roman Pendergast's grandfather, Kenshin Maro Pendergast, who was said to be one of the top spies/assassins of the organization who went by the name of Deadzone. Because anyone who came within 20 feet of his proximity and had no identification or verification of being with the society, was killed on the spot. Currently, the organization has a member count of about 220 spies and hitmen who are located throughout the world and engage in almost nonstop travel and achieving nearly impossible missions. The Society would have recognized the upgrowing threat in Sector Olympus and the other Sectors. This one-to themselves Society is now branching out. In hopes of getting the fighters of Kasaihana city ready to push back the threats that have rested themselves so deeply withint the cities roots.... speaking of which.-c-

Thunrian: Over the past 11 months, Sector Olympus has taken over District 5, building a massive Technological Mt.Olympus as a resort and, also as a mark of there new ownership. Yani and his band are now legit members of Sector Olympus. He's finally gained the power he's wanted... being the president of the United States. Ralpheal wanted to continue his revenge on the Yakuza world... taking over District 3 as there new leader. He now leads the KPD where they have reinacted the days of when Kasaihana city was first made. All the Yakuza, everyone relate to the Yakuza, every gang, everyone poor person... there now slaves within District 1. Where they are being forced to build a New District right next to District 1. District 2 is the only District that hasn't been touched, even District 4 belongs to Sector Olympus now. where they have taken over, and corrputed all of the Cybernetic civillians into there own frequency where they can become there death bots. Building to there ever lasting armies. Hiro-Lionheart. Commander/Director of the Maru Jeitai, was smart enough to move his army out of the city before they were all killed. Moving them where Mississpi once had been. Naming it ' No-man's land.' Where the Maru Jeitai now own and operate out of... As of today. All of the old leaders of Kasaihana city have come together to bring back the fallen from that day. Kuma, one of the heads of Yun corp gave the place a proper place of to be held in. Soon moving the operation to another place. Kuma, had a Helicarrier made for the Black glove Soceity, where Michiko could work on her forumla, and Ochigi could be in charge of doing all of the mechincal work. The last steps in the project are underway at this point... and today we see. Just how far this project has commensed after months of working on it. Enter, Project Ressurection.-e-( So yes, were in the cave but just imagine it as if were in the hellicarrier. I want everyone to post in as there 2nd gen chars pretty much. Cept Skar and Pallas which will be playing first gen characters but they can throw in ther 2nd gen's to if they want, everyones pretty much in on this anyways. I won't start an order untill after everyones posted in there enterances. But i'm not posting again untill someone else does so lets get this show on the road haha. )

Ohblivious: Loud grunts and the sounds of a punching bag being tossed around were heard from the gym in their home, Felicity kicked the body bag, switching legs occasionally, until it flew off the chain. “Damn not again.” She laughed walking to where it had flown and picked it up hanging it back as if it only weighed 3 pounds. Suddenly as she hung it back up her cell phone rang in her pocket. As she wiped a sweat drop off her brow she took off her boxing gloves holding them under her arm and answered the phone pushing her hair out of her face. “Hello..?” They had told her the news, everything that happened at the GMAF’s and what had happened to her kids. She dropped her boxing gloves her golden eyes widening. “They what..?” Before she could freak out they told her everything. She felt sick like she was about to throw up.. they said they would try to find a way around it but she knew it was all bullshit. She couldn’t believe it, before the man could finish speaking she dropped the phone and fell to her knees… 11 months later Felicity was laying on the couch miserable. She looked as if she hadn’t eaten for a few days and all she could do was sit there waiting. She got a call and staring down at the phone she squinted her eyes at the number. She answered and her eyes widened in shock. “I’m coming now.” Felicity quickly grabbed the keys to her car continuing talking on her phone and asking countless questions like any other worried mother would ask, her long wavy red hair cascading down her back as she ran around looking for her shoes pulling off her home clothes as quickly as possible and changing, quickly hopping on one foot trying to put her other shoe on she darted out of the door quickly shutting it behind her. When she first heard her babies were ‘dead’ she was speechless. She refused to believe it was true, and of course she was right, they may have technically died but soon enough to soothe her almost panic attack she found out they were somehow saved.. resurrected. As the conversation went on as she was dashing out to get into the car. “My babies were put in tubes of what?!” She asked continuing to walk now to her car, she pulled open the door and slammed it shut behind her. “Jesus, my little Kitty Kat and— Connor was at the GMAF’s? Heh, of course.. I haven’t heard from him in so long…” She smiled to herself snapping back to reality she nodded. “I’m on my way.” She said now hanging up and shoving in her keys into the ignition and driving out to her kids. So much had happened around the districts during those 11 months that she didn’t even want to think of it, after all she was too busy dwelling in her sadness anyways but finally her heart was full of excitement. She got to see her babies again. And now here she is on a hellicarrier where all the older generations were as well and as she sat quietly at the table her heels clicking as she tapped the floor keeping her arms folded as she leans back in a chair. “So… uhm, when am I going to rip the spines of the people who tried to kill my only happiness? I do want a new necklace.” She said with the most serious look on her face as she kept her arms crossed. “Hm?”

AlessandraSkar: The clip-clopping of boot heels could be heard echoing through the steel-walled hallways of the helicarrier as one green-haired woman made her way through the facility. Fellow members of the Black Glove Society nodded or spoke their greetings to their fearless leader as she passed by, yet her intense green eyes never looked in their direction as they did so. Only focused straight ahead with that steady stern look that never seemed to leave her features. Members who had been recruited had known this woman to be something of a mystery and a creation of highly advanced science. Kaori Gin Masumoto, a woman known for her great strength and power, had to have been well over eighty-years-old, but somehow she looked just as young as if she were still in her late twenties or early thirties. How? Science. During his final years as leader of the Black Glove Society, Roman Pendergast had grown afraid that Kaori had become too powerful with all of the scientific experiments she had undergone ever since she became a member of the society Though she only used her powers for good, a lot of scarring events had occurred in her lifetime and he feared that eventually, the woman would snap and destroy him along with the entire society. He ordered that she be placed in a hyperbolic chamber where she would be preserved for as many years as the chamber would continue to operate. Within the chamber, a concoction of chemicals served as a decelerator for her aging process, which kept her young and vibrant throughout the years that she had been locked inside the hyperbolic chamber, as well as preserving the power she had been given. After Roman's death, his 28-year-old son, Achilles Pendergast had taken over his role as leader of the Black Glove Society and one of his first official orders of business was to have Kaori released, keeping it a secret that she would henceforth be kept alive as a secret weapon of the BGS. However, when Kaori was released and awakened, she infuriated when she realized what Roman had done to her, even more so when she found out that Roman had died and she was unable to get her revenge against him. In response, she extracted her vengeance upon his son instead, literally tearing his body apart limb by limb with her telekinetic abilities and taking over the Black Glove Society herself. She could remember the day vividly as she strolled through the halls of the BGS Hellicarrier, as if it had happened only yesterday, but not even that event could prove Roman right about her suddenly snapping and becoming an unstoppable monster. Now that she had acquired her new position as leader, the most important thing was to keep her composure at all times, think with a level head, and get any job done no matter what the cost. At this time, her main points of interest was to first combat against the evil force that had taken over the city of Kasaihana, one that was much more powerful than she ever would have imagined. Sector Olympus. Secondly, it was in her best interest to look after the innocent children that Sector Olympus was responsible for brutally murdering in cold blood. She strolled into the chamber where the healing pods were being stored, hooked to several long wires, adaptors and other mechanics that were supposedly feeding the healing components into the pods where the dead teenagers were kept. For the most part, the blast of chi that had destroyed had quite literally left them in a state that was unrecognizable. It was advised that no parents would be allowed to see them unless they had special permission, for it would be quite a lot to handle. After witnessing what had happened, Kaori had taken it upon herself to visit various homes and tell parents about what had happened to their children, among which was a peculiar family: The Lannisters. “I don't want to hear anymore!” Argis Lannister, the father of victim Rima Lannister, had shouted at Kaori after she tried to explain what happened. “I just want to see my daughter! Where the hell IS MY DAUGHTER?!” Victoria, Rima's mother, was sobbing hysterically in the living room while the discussion was taking place. “I have already told you, Mr. Lannister. The explosion completely destroyed the entire island where the GMAF was taking place. Any lifeform that was on that island has surely been reduced to nothing. Even if were to find your daughter's body, there is no guarantee that we will even know if it is truly her. However, as of this week, a rescue team has been sent out to locate remains within the ocean. So far, what they are finding is....well, you probably get the point.” Telling the Lannisters about what had happened to their daughter was a painful thing for even Kaori to do. She blinked back the memory of that night as a Black Glove operative approached her. “Agent Shiro, report.” She ordered as she clasped her gloved hands behind her back. Dressed in a black bodysuit, gloves, high-heeled boots and a sweeping trench coat hanging from her shoulders, Kaori looked just as much the BGS leader as Roman once pictured she would be....if he hadn't been so afraid of her. “We have yet to see signs of life within the pods, Director Masumoto.” Said Agent Shira, moving his fingers along a holographic clipboard of sorts. “It was suggested that we alter the speed of the healing processes within the pods, but that could prove to be quite dangerous. We wouldn't want any steps to be skipped along the way and create any permanent defects for the victims.” Kaori hummed in thought as she looked Agent Shiro over with her stern eyes. “Very well. Any word on what is happening in the city?” She asked him. “I just saw an announcement that District Attorney Adrian Gianfranco is scheduled to hold a press conference at city hall soon to address the state of the criminal justice department. From what we've gathered, he is a fairly strong advocate on Yani Farhan's administration and is planning on altering a few laws in his favor. That being said, I think it would be a good idea to lure him into our forces and use him to help us against Yani and Sector Olympus.” Kaori's eyes narrowed as she thought the idea over. “Perhaps so, Agent Shira. However, that is a matter that we must worry about at a latter time. As for right now, I need more lab assistance tending to the victims of the recent attack. When the children are healed, I plan on placing them under intense therapy that will surely get them readjusted to their bodies, more so being alive rather than dead. They will be trained from the ground up, harder than they have ever been trained before. Those who are too afraid to face the evil forces that be will be escorted off of this ship, but those who remain will be greatly rewarded with a sense of honor. We will not stand for Sector Olympus' torment and bull fuckery. We WILL prevail.” Agent Shiro nodded in understanding of Kaori's words, bowing before turning to do as he was told. Once he had left, Kaori continued to pace back and forth in front of the healing pods, her eyes going from stone cold to sympathetic as she monitored the state of the victims of Sector Olympus' power. “I can only imagine what could be happening to them while in this state.” She whispered to herself. “Subconsciously....that is.” She sighed with a shake of her head. “Sector Olympus.....It will take the power of gods in order for us to defeat them...”

vMegatron: -( Down at the western edge of District 2, an entire battalion of the death bots that had been created for this takeover attack to try and reduce the Pada Army defense. Even with the strength of the death bots, the vast numbers of the Pada Army drones grow into the thousands within seconds. Like insects, the lower grunts of the army attack at the death bots with their flexible bodies to try and rip these death bots apart. In the skies, Yun Corp made Predator Drones fly through the sky and drop down two hundred pound bombs over the area that the Death bots are coming from! At the front of the lines, Kuma stands tall while his arms are re-created with the Pada Virus to become the arms of the Gangbuster suit! ( Kuma as of ark 18) With the help of the Pada Virus rolling through his wire-like veins, he has yet to age a day from when he first gained the virus from Donnie Yun. While wearing a tactical suit to compliment the work of the Gangbuster, he yells out to Alfred who is seen in the distance to be manhandling an entire platoon of death bots with his own Yun Corp weapons.-“Get the Pada Army in line, Alfred! Take these fuckers down with no mercy!”- Out of his shoulders, 6 S.M.A.R.T. missiles fly out and impact into six of the death bots. Kuma turns and sees a line of death bots coming towards him and with a sadistic smirk on his face, he extends his palms out and two large energy blast erupt from his palm blasters to completely light up the death bots! Two large blue explosions push at least twenty death bots out into the air. Over to the left of Kuma is Deucalion who makes easy work of the death bots around his positon. Using the two Custom Colt M1911’s that he received from Scorpion, his art of Gun Kata has never looked so finessely done. His arms move around his body with such fluid motion that it almost looks like a dance. With each movement he fires rounds of .45 mm bullets into the metal skulls of these death bots. Duke’s fury had increased in the last year with the killing of both his nephews from the hands of these Sectors. Blaming himself from trying to hide Daisuke from being strong thinking that he would carry on the traits of his father, he feels as though he could have prevented this is he had let Daisuke reach his full potential he might have been able to survive. After hearing the *click* sound that his colts make when they run dry, Duke sees more and more come at him from all angles. He then whispers to himself in a soft yet angry tone-“You all…don’t deserve to live!”-And as he says this, his left eye widens and begins to spin violently as the new Three Tomei Super Soldier Hybrid completes the Wheel Grave technique. For one hundred yards in the direction of his vision, the death bots completely explode as if they had just been hit by an extreme force of power from within their own bodies! An entire line is cleared between him and the rest of the death bots as in one quick moment, he wipes out an entire squad of death bots. *Back in the Cave where the F.O.B. is set up with all the older generations* Liana sits in front of a set of computers that have cameras all showing the fighting that is taking place. At that moment, little One Year old Slade nibbles on an action figure toy of Superhero Red Dawn while sitting on Liana’s lap. Her hands begin to move on the keyboard as she controls all the airstrikes taking place from her position. Using each screen to control drones that drop bombs on the death bots, hitting them in crucial areas and numbers. Liana then says through her headset-“Let’s end this guys!”-*BACK AT THE FRONT LINES* Kuma continues to fire off energy blast after energy blast as it takes out double digit bots with each blast. He thinks to himself-“Shit…It seems like for every ONE was take out, TWO come back!”- Kuma then crosses his Pada Arms in an X formation and yells at the Pada Army and everyone on his team-“Everyone! GET! DOWN! NOW!”- And at that moment, all of the Pada Army would leap down to the ground in perfect unison as Kuma begins to spin his body around while extending his arms outwards. As this happens, highly concentrated levels of Plasma Energy cut all the Death Bots in half! Like a miracle weapon, the death bots that are trying to invade are quickly cut down by the power of the Pada Virus. ( After a few seconds of calm, the group begins to stand back up onto their feet. Duke then says to Kuma-“Maybe you should lead with that next time…”- Kuma then shrugs his shoulders as two cartridges with smoke coming off of the edges fly’s out of the wrist portion of the arms-“Eh, it’s a one off..”-*Back at the cave* “Good job guys. Now hurry back to base; I think it is almost time to wake the kids up.”- Slade points at the screen as Duke’s face pops up and he says in a high childs voice with his brown tail wiggling across his mother’s leg-“Daddy!”-*At the front lines* Kuma nods and his body quickly takes the form of the entire Gangbuster suit, with the entire suit practically bursting out from within his body. One of the carrier drones flies down to pick up Deucalion as he cannot fly. Once all set, Kuma, Alfred and Deucalion all make the path for the cave. *Through the minds of Daisuke and Damon as they rest peacefully in the healing pods*-c-

( throughout the year of their death, they have been in the Shinto Realm, living on the planet that The Yuns have made their own. All generations of the Yuns reside on this large planet within the Shinto Realm. Daisuke and Damon both have become much closer in this time as they live amongst the very ancestors they are modeled after. At this moment in time, Donnie has taken the opportunity to get closer to the grandsons he has never met before. The youngest generation has learned much while being here with them about where they come from the history that the Yun Family has under its belt. Currently at a dinner table, Daisuke and Damon chow down on plenty off food made by their grandmother, Molly. ( Shinto Molly) Coming out of the castle that she and Donnie live in with some of the other Yuns, she sees her grandsons eating like mad men and she says-“I’ve come to learn that Yuns never stop eating…so learning how to cook like an iron chef champion really helps.”- She then places more food on the table for the boys to eat and with that, they both look up with food all on their faces while yelling out happily-“Thank you, Granny!”- She then blushes from embarrassment at being called a grandmother. She then thinks to herself-“I will never get used to being called a grandma. Makes me feel so old.”- Once the boys got more food to eat, Donnie Yun appears with his standard robes and sitting with his family. Sitting at the head of the table, Molly notices that something is wrong with him. She raises a brow while asking-“What’s wrong, Donnie?”- His eyes stare up at his two grandsons, more proud of them than he could ever be of himself.-“You two will be going back to Earth soon…”- The two boys then spit their food out of their mouths in shock and end up getting each other dirty!-“WHAT!?”- They yell out as they wonder what their grandfather is talking about.-“Can’t you feel it? Your spirits are growing weaker in this world recently…It’s because you don’t belong to this Realm…You belong in the real world…”-Molly looks shocked as she covers her mouth with her hands, wondering if Donnie is telling the truth. But the two boys know. They stare at eachother with the same expression as they both have felt their energy in this realm shrinking with the passing days. Donnie smirks a bit as he says to them-“I may be old and dead…But I know more than I would like to most days…”- He then brings in the rest of the family. Donnie nods for the boys to come as he says-“Your family awaits you two.”- They wipe their faces and leap off the table to follow their grandfather. Molly follows along beside Donnie as she wonders what he has planned for the two boys. They come closer to the castle and in their view, the entire Yun Family including its ancestors await Daisuke and Damon as it really seems like their time in this realm may be coming to a close. Daisuke and Damon run towards their ancestors with smiling faces and Donnie smiles, watching the two of them show their love and compassion for their history. Molly stands next to Donnie and says-“Thank you, Donnie…”- He then looks at her with a raised brow and asks-“For what?”- She then says-“For not telling them the truth about our son…”-She looks down a bit, clutching the locket around her neck that has a picture of her son, Damian. Donnie nods his head and sighs-“I could not tell them about the truth…It would have crushed the two of them…They have come so far from where they used to be…They don’t need to know…But eventually…He will come for them…Like every Yun throughout History…Daisuke and Damon will soon find themselves fighting to be the Apex of the Food Chain…and when that happens….He will be there…I just hope they will be ready for it when that day comes…From what we taught them here, they should be able to work as a team for a change…”-Molly’s eyes begin to water up, releasing slow tears down her eyes at the thought of her son being so demented and lost in the darkness. Seeing the tears come down from her face, Donnie wraps his left arm around her to hold her close.-“It isn’t your fault for how he turned out…You did everything you could as a mother and more…He made his own choices…As all men do…But I have much faith in this new generation…I know Garyx will lead Daisuke down the right path…And with my words being instilled into Damon, I don’t think he will go down the wrong path again…Only time will tell…”-*BACK AT THE CAVE* The Three Amigos of Alfred, Duke and Kuma arrive in the cave. Slade hobbles over to his father and Duke playfully picks him up while saying-“Hey big guy!”- Liana soon comes up to him and plants a loving kiss on her husband’s lips. Kuma on the other hand begins to make his way towards the area that the kids are at. Seeing how he isn’t a parent, but knowing that Kaori would probably give him shit for trying to see the kids; he does it anyway. Making his way towards the pods, if Kaori were to say anything to him for coming into the room; he’d give her a simple-“I promised Donnie that I would look after his family before he died…He gave me this power and everything I have to live for…The least I can do is try to be there for the grandkids of his…”- His cybernetic eyes would then face the two Yuns as they float in the pods of healing. He crosses his arms, standing his ground to remain in the room as a watchguard to the two boys while thinking to himself-“They look just like their father when he was this age…”-

Keyo: ( ) " Everything seem's to be in place. " Michiko said typing out with an incredible speed. Her fingers swiftly tapping at all of the buttons in a rhymthic motion. Clak, Clik, clak! " Remy..." Hiro said as he pressed the ear piece on his right ear, tuning into the scientist. " How's the Defense teams?" Remy would have responded back to him. The Air Carrier had been loaded down with a Yun Corp interface, with tech that couldnt be hacked unless someone had a death wish. To Accompany it, had been Son Ent weaponry staioned around the outsides of the heli-carrier. But it had been under Yun Corp Programming. Just in-case Son Ent. Tried to do anything off the grid. They had been new to the fray of things. And weren't really trusted as of yet. " Mr.Hiro, Sir!" One of the Maru Jeitai rushed over to his commander and captain director. " Ah, Louis. Everything alright? " " Yes sir. I've just come to tell you that.... your son is home. " "...." Hiro's facial expression changed as he turnd to the pods. " He's not my son... he's a nusciance." He said crossing his arms. " Of course I am to you... father. You've always thought that way about me. Hiro. " The young man responded with his hand's in his pockets. His sun glasses tilted off his face just slightly. He had a cheeky smile on his face. ( ) " Save the introductions. If you werent needed for this. I wouldn't have brought you back from Austrilla. Also... Your not my son. Your a Keyome a clone to, your just younger than me. And stupider..." Turner. is a brash, blonde, spikey haired teenager, who enjoys fighting. As a child, Turner was bullied and tormented because he had been what the kids called ' A test tube baby.' He had been trained since a young boy in the art of combat, being a secrect weapon in the Maru Jeitai army. Alot like Hiro had been. Turner started fighting early as a result, beating up those who tormented him. Despite his training, Turner fights using street fighting methods as opposed to real martial arts. He prides himself on being a thug and therefore he fights without honor, usually with cheap shots. However, he does seem to draw line when it comes to hitting women. Turner is a teen obsessed with fighting and takes a lot of pride in that. Ironically, he believes that fighting doesn't resolve anything, and fights more for fun than anything else. Initially, he is believed to have an average, or below average intelligence. He is very cocky and gets angered easily, and always has wise cracks. He isn't very good with being around girls, because he had little contact with them up until high school because they thought he was creepy. Hiro on the other hand, disowns the young man. He believes he's a monster... and the only thing he cares about is hurting people. Something Hiro can't take pride into at all. " Just take a seat somewhere... will ya? Get out of my face for awhile. ' Kid.' " Hiro said with sheer hate as he turned his back on the situation. When Felicity rushed in, Hiro went to respond to her when The Yun family came in. He watched them from a distance. Sliding his hands into his pockets. Turner stood next to him watching them. " Hey... who's the bade with the green hair? " " She's twice your age. " " So? Older they are the better they are you know. I'm not like you Lionheart, just going for the young one's. I go for the women who are much... much more experinced. " " Oh yeah!? And what's a punk Kid like you know about women from masterbating on the internet. " Turner shook his head, sliding his hands into his shorts as he watched Kaori from a distance sliding his hands into his shorts. " More than you old man... "-c-

" Take notice to the Helicarrier outside for instance... an they don't look to pleased to see you guys... " Hiro turned his head, looking out of the window only to cross his arms. " KPD..." He said walking out to meet the Helicarrier as he stood atop the helicarrier with his arms crossed. The Hellicarrier flew in close to there own, and Ralpheal dressed down in Steven colt's old uniform stood to face Hiro with a smirk on his face. " Mr.Lionheart... You and your buddies are flying in a no fly zone.. " " Last time I checked, everywhere's a no fly zone. To you." Hiro said with a smile on his face. His suit blowing in the wind at the same time. " Hmph, touche'. You have an hour to get out of this area. Or you all will be arrested. " " Heh.. gotcha." Hiro said tilted his head up. He wouldn't face Ralpheal now, him and Yani's power was beyond any of them now. He knew his battles... " Miss Akasawa! The healing process... it seems to be... speeding up..." Said one of Michiko's Scinetist. " What? What do you mean... everything's been stable this whole time... is something going on within there dream state? " " Uh... Yes ma'am... it seems to be Keyomi Tasanagi. She's fighting a horde of clowns off from atop a prymaid in her dream. " " HA! So she's afraid of Clowns is she..." " This is serious! If she continues to speed up the healing process with her emotions raging out the machine. It's bound to either re-KILL them all... or... something far worse." " Alright, ok. Let's stablize the Omega gene input, bring it down to a minimum. And decelerate the molecular processor. " She said typing away at her comptuer again. ( Everyones allowed to post there chars in there dream state. Similiar to how pallas did if you want. It's kind of key to what happens next.)-e-

Uub: “ Out of my face punks The Creeds are our family ! “ Larry shouted with a horde of his men , The Iron Fist gang members remained posted up behind their leader due to the absence of Lu. Larry held gray pricking at his black beard. He’s changed over the years, His ability to catch up with the years proven to be a failure. Noah Benson , a bit lenient with the situation propped forward before Larry. “ You Don’t understand the seriousness of this situation.. In there lies our comrade our family and friend , So if you would.. please allow us through to see them, That would be greatly appreciated. “ The Guard gave him a cold glare, “ Sorry, No visitors. “ The man said without even a hint of regret. “ Why you ! “ Larry shouted before being brought down by every member of that gang, In the midst of the moment. Edens body floated within the grasp of the tube to which he was held captive in. A flurry of bubbles acted as a shield as they swirled within the aroma of his body. He looked so peaceful, His body seemed easy but it was only at the midst of the moment, Looks can be deceiving. Cause though he seemed easy his body knew no peace, For the Creeds peace was nonexistent. Though for years , Some had sought the meaning of the word. For years, It remained out of their reach. Edens body twitched, Suddenly brought within the interior of his mind you can see his body plummet through the rebel.( , Eden lifted his body through the rebel. “ Is this you’re paradise ? “ A voice said , casting a shadow over Eden, It was quite muscular and tall. Eden turned his head up meeting the man he sought to defeat his whole life. “ Damn right ! “ Eden shouted launching his fist forward, quickly tripping amongst himself. Julius Creed, Purple hair followed him like a consistent watery wave.(9 ) Eden pulling himself back to his feet , “ Whenever you’re ready “ Julius stated with no care in the world. He held his arms crossed against his bare chest, His muscular built gave him a Deity look. “ Why are you here ? “ Eden stated panting a bit , His body quickly healing more than it had when he had his regenerative healing factor, “ Is that how you thank the man who saved you ? The man who helped you die with a bit of honor ? “ Julius shot back a sinister smile slicing at the side of his cheek. “ I still died.. I wasn’t strong enough” Eden responded with more of a discouraging tone that would seem out of the blue coming from Eden, “ Of course you aren’t strong enough you are weak ..” Julius said , As his body quickly went into a consistent swirl. Along with the swrl followed the landscape of the room, Eden found himself in a dark room. The room reeked of emptiness , Eden turning his gaze towards the corner of the room only to have his sight be caught in the grasp of Julius , In a form Eden recognized. He was pink with muscles perching through every where that fit. His hand was chained together being held together by three what looked to be wrecking balls with chinese symbols encrypted into it.( “ But.. I must say of all the Creeds you are my favorite..” Tyrant stated in a sinister tone his voice echoed. “ Why ? “ Eden questioned. Tyrant smirked “ Look around you ...“ Eden turned his gaze towards the room that seemed like a prison full of emptiness. “ What am I looking at ? “.... Eden , eyes met every thing in the room “ Closer” Tyrant egged him. The mist slowly cleared away, Revealing a trail of bodies, leading to where Eden stood. All men from history and by the look of their attire all from a different period in time. “ I’ve spent my life trying to become King become a god among men , And I must say I’ve grown bored of it… but what is above a god ? “ Julius questioned , Eden seated upon one of the bodies a bit interested in what his ancestor was saying to him. “... Well, I sadly do not know due to me being forced to pay for my sin bound to these chains, But I will tell you this my son due not aim to be king that is a mortal job and mortals are forgotten. Do not aim to be a god cause gods are weaker then they make it seem and can only live off the prayer of others, Become something greater “ Julius said. “ Something .. Greater ? “ Eden questioned with a somewhat distant look, “ That is all I can say in the matter due to not being able to reach that myself , But you must understand to become a King or god doesn’t require much and are soon forgotten but to become better is something to talk about, Do not live in my shadow but create one for yourself that others won't be able to escape from, Become an eclipse,” Eden , pushed his hands through the texture of his hair which remained down due to their not being any gel in the spirit world. “ An Eclipse…” Edens body began to loosen in the tube as his body slowly slandered over . “ Damn it.. I knew it  was a bad idea to let Lu out their on his own “ Larry said speaking into the cold held between his hands. Noah planting his hands on Larrys shoulder slight shook him “ Be easy old man , Those Creeds are fighters “ Lu felt his body flow through the meadow, Rina remained at his side .(( Lu with his hair tied looked to the skies that slowly began to darken , “ Looks like a storms coming hun better get inside “ Lu smiled softly gently pinching Rina’s cheek. “ DAD ! “ Lu jumped at the voice seeing what seemed to be a miniature Lu run forth quickly hugging his leg, Lu pulled him up from his feet and placed him in his grasp. “ Hey there Son ! What are you doing out here ? “ Lu questioned the miniature boy in his grasp. “ I want to play with you daddy “ The child said quickly hugging his father's shoulder. “ Hahaha no no not now Den , go in with your mother Dad has some work to do “ Lu stated handing his son over to his mother before walking over the tread the weeds, from their grasp upon his land. “ Aww.. “ Den sighed holding onto his mother as they walked into the house on the meadow.

SayuriAkagi: -Her body remained still in the mist of the living room of their family home as she took to the task of placing items that had been brought down from the upstairs part of the house into boxes, each having the names of her son and daughter on them. Her usually groomed raven hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of her graceful neck while her tear stained yet blood shot icy purple eyes continued to let the tears that flowed so heavily from them both day in and day out for the children that were so viciously taken from her arms in one fail swoop flowed passionately down her beautiful oriental face. Tomoko sat upon the floor still fighting against herself and all logic that told her that it was time to move on with life, pack up Sian and Akira’s things and try to do all she could to not make light of the memories she had of them after all she would be with them real soon in the afterlife due to her own failing health. But still she just couldn’t do it, no matter how many times she replayed that horrible day’s event over and over in her head her mind still couldn’t accept being told by Akuma, who from all she could tell was so beside himself with grief practically locked himself away from her and anyone else that her children, her precious babies were dead no murdered in the peak of their lives. She allowed her hands to go through several items most going as far back as to when the twins were babies and each holding a memory that only served to break her heart even further to point that Moko had to stop before her tears caused her symptoms to flare up again and result in another trip to the ER. With two very worn yet loved baby blankets in hand each with the names of her darling angels hand sewn by her still in hand Tomoko could help place her freehand onto the floor and pushing up from it she manages to get to her feet revealing herself to no longer being the same woman she was months ago, she’d lost so much weight in the mist of being sick and grieving it was hard to know if she were alive or a corpse herself at times. Reiko on her orders had taken over command of the Shiroi Ookami during this time of sorrow continuing to use the company’s guise as a premiere fashion house to dodge the fates those of the other clans had been dealt and keeping contact with their parent clan to minimal to avoid exposure altogether to whatever the hell it was that had taken over the city. All other illegal operations where moved down to low key all except the Dark Net/Web to which control over its barings had been handed over to the Roanapur Triads and Russian Mafia, under the command of Chang a long time friend of the family’s for ultimate safe keeping and placed a on very private server away from Kasaihana even from its earliest beginnings. Yes, Tomoko trusted no one with her holdings except family. Everything that she’d built was in fact hers, from papers to bricks and all tied her maiden name of course. ~It truly paid off in the end.~ she thought to finally allowing the sound of her computer’s new mail alarm to enter her ears as she soon realized that she was standing in the middle of the room clutching both Sian and Akira’s blankets to her chest before she finally allows her legs to move in the direction of the desk where it sat. “Open email L.I.S.A.” she instructs her cyber assistant and aid. “Yes Ms. Tetsu, opening email now.” A voice replies back to her allowing the folder to open with the massive video file that instantly downloads to the computer. In it the video displays the two pods with both Akira and Sian inside barely recognizable physically to their own mother but none the less safe and sound, then soon followed by a message of a male’s voice that she herself had never heard before. (It was Ochiji) “I was told that Densuke gave you this old remote access address as a means to contact him so I thought it would only be fitting to send you this feed to you through it. Both your son and daughter are gonna be alright as to when they will be able to come home, I can’t say for certain all I can say Moko is…..Don’t Give Up HOPE.” And with those words the transmission ended leaving her speechless as her right hand moved to towards the screen touching the image of her two sleeping children in a pod as the final set of tears move out from her eyes.- <C>

SayuriAkagi: -/////////Inside of the Dream World/Afterlife///////////A smile moved over lips slowly as her amber colored eyes looked up at the cloud covered sky, her hand extended itself gracefully into the cold morning air that surrounded the village of Sindai as snowflake falls into her palms causing her to say, “Cool.” Before stepping out in the snow covered ground of the town with her bare yet silk kimono covered feet, she was soon followed by another a woman of greater beauty, by the name of Suijin whose eyes were almost the same color as her own and with long wild hair that reminded her of the rolling of the tides, and skin the almost the color of snow. Allowing her gaze to shift to the heavens before her the lady looks about almost uncertain if she wanted to go out allowing an easterly wind to pick up her usually unruly hair into embrace and carrying it along for a moment before finally saying, “I am sorry that our time together today will be rather short unlike all the rest my child.” Sian couldn’t help but give the older woman a strange look before simply laughing it off, “Suijin-sama you always say that when the weather begins to look bad, and besides you’d promised to show me how to use the Twin Dragon technique today.” The teenager reminded her softly causing Suijin to yield to the younger girl’s wishes despite knowing that the winds today carried about an end to her and Sian’s time together at least in her sub-consciousness. “Aye that I did, alright then let’s be off.” The Lady tells her placing her own bare foot into the cold ground below one in front of the other her own hauntingly white and gold spun kimono blending into the snow beneath them as the two walked and talked of so many things mostly of Sian’s family who she had expressed so many times that she missed to the point that the lady hadn’t had the heart to tell her the truth about herself, at least not yet….. In the months since she’d been found by in the woods by Suijin, Sian had come to learn more about herself and her abilities as Yuki Onna than she had from both her mother and grandparents combined her water manipulation technique was completely flawless now and her ice attacks were almost unstoppable. She couldn’t believe the power that she had now and even more so at just how strong the Elder with her really was it was almost a dream come true for the 16yr old she couldn’t wait to get back home to show everyone what she could do now……~And Akira said I wouldn’t be able to do shit without him heh whatever~ she thought to herself continuing on their path through the village and out towards the edge of the woods where that she’d come to know as their training grounds/////////////- <C>

vMegatron: -( Hector reaches down for the two boys and wraps them up in his right arm with all his muscles and the young brothers of Destruction are squished in by Hectors awesome strength. Hector says in his masculine voice-“You two behave now, ya hear me!? Keep training and work on those styles I taught you!”-Both of their bodies practically crack under Hector’s strength as Daisuke says-“What s-styles? Ancestor Hector you only punch things and they go poof!”- Hector laughs a bit before putting the two down for them to continue on with their goodbyes. They come to Solomon and Alexei and the four of them come to hug each other and express their family love. Solomon says to them-“You two stay kicking ass! Make all of us up here proud to watch you guys!”-The two boys look up and reply with-“Of course! We won’t ever take defeat!”- After seeing the second generation Yuns, Yasha begins to walk towards Damon. He places his left hand on Damon’s head and kneels down to be on equal level with the young warrior. He then says to him as his Yun eyes glow with a bright red color.-“Remember what I told you, okay kid?...I know you come from a different backround as your brother…and I can understand the hatred you felt…But you have come a long way from the person you were back then…Hopefully I have taught you that there is no satisfaction in going down that dark road…Everyone needs someone to walk with them down the road of the righteous path…You have your brother for that…You two will always stick by each other through thick and thin…The past no longer exists…There is only this moment…and the next one…And every moment is a test…That you can take one time…and only one time….Will you have others by your side for that test?...Or will you be alone…”- Yasha then stands up and walks away from the two kids, leaving Damon to only soak in what is said to him. Yasha passes by Asura, the two not sharing a look as the history between the two cousins are too broken to ever repair. Damon thinks to himself-“So he really did kill his own cousin…just to prove his own strength…And here I was ready to kill my own brother out of spite…Well not anymore, Yasha….I will take the advice you give me and as brothers I know Daisuke and I can do anything….”-Damon then looks down to the ground-“I know we can…”- After getting their goodbyes with the family, Donnie calls the two of them over to him. ( When the two come over to him, Donnie places his hands on their outer shoulders while beginning to speak to his grandsons.-“Well, it has been an experience I will never forget…I love you both so much, you have made me very proud to see how far you two have come. But there is something I want to say to you both.”- Donnie then grabs onto their right forearms and begins to work his energy through their forearms. The two begin to feel a slight pain in their arms as he continues speaking-“You two will face enemies that will look impossible to defeat…You will reach plateaus that you think you will never be able to break through…You will doubt yourself…maybe even each other…But it is then! When you are pushed to the absolute limit that you can ascend to the next level!...Yuns thrive in pressure and can overcome even the hardest obstacles even when all hope is lost! The words “I quit” are not in your vocabulary!...And if all else fails…I want you to look down and remember…”-He then lifts up their arms and reveals the Yun Tribal Tattoo on their forearms.-“Remember what family you are fighting for!”- Daisuke steps back and looks at his arm and looks amazed at the art that is now on their bodies.

( He then gives his grandfather a stern look while yelling out-“We will never fail our family! We are Yuns!”- ( At that moment, the Yuns of the family had lined up while Donnie gave his speech to the boys. The two Yuns smirk at each other as they begin to take the front of this formation. They slowly walk towards their family as they all line up from the generations, massing into the thousands; including the Yun Clansmen. Donnie watches from where he stands with Molly as the youngest generation of Yuns begins to take the lead role on their originating war dance. Daisuke and Damon both stand next to each other and Daisuke asks-“You ready?”- In which Damon says-“We were always ready…”- ( The two then begin to run through the lines that their family makes and after running ten feet, they come to a stop while yelling and arching their backs-“RRIINNNGGAAA! PAKKIIAAA!”- (Slap the hands against the thighs!) And as this happens, the entire formation of Yuns begin to slap their thighs in perfect unison as the sound creates a furious thunderclap!-“Uma tiraha! Turi whatia! Hope whai ake! Waewae takahia kia kino!”- (Puff out the chest. Bend the knees! Let the hips follow! Stomp the feet as hard as you can!) As the two yell this out, the formation of Yuns follow each motion and order given by the leaders of the formation. Their feet begin to stomp into the ground, making mass quakes on the planet that they are on as they continue to slap their thighs. ( As they finish the opening chant, the two leaders make their way back to the front of the formation and begin to smash their own feet onto the ground. Getting the tone of the beat, hearing the echoing sounds of the thighs being smashed; the two prepare for the second portion of the war chant. All together, the entire Yun Legacy begins to yell out-“Ka mate, ka mate! Ka ora' Ka ora'!”- (I die, I die! I live, I live!) As they yell out the “Ka mate, Ka mate” portion, they slap their thighs twice before yelling out “Ka ora’ Ka ora’” Which is led with the action of pounding their palms on their chest and then extending their hands up towards the skies. They yell this chant and complete the motion twice before they yell out-“Tenei te tangata puhuruhuru…Nana i tiki mai whakawhiti te ra!”- (This is the hairy man...Who caused the sun to shine again for m) As they complete this portion of the war chant, their arms extend down toward their hips; flexing each muscle in the arm while creating an intimidating facial expression. When they get to the “Huruhuru” portion of the dance, they wave their right hand undernear the flexed left arm matching the inflection of their war cry. Leading into the next portion of the war chant, they all yell out while beginning to smash their hands into their elbows, lifting said elbow up near their face as if they were flexing their arms up.-“A Upane! Ka Upane! A Upane Kaupane” (Up the ladder, Up the ladder. Up to the top) Their war crys so powerful that the ground beneath them seems to give way to the point that cracks appear underneath their feet. Finally, they come down to the end of the war chant by yelling out-“Whiti te ra,!” (The sun shines!) And before hitting the last word of the war chant, they all arch their backs as each individual aura from the Yuns begins to erupt and quickly combine together to make one huge Legacy sized Aura that extends so high that it leaves the atmosphere of the planet and goes into space! ( They all then yell out-“Hi!”-(Rise!) And with that, the legacy leaps forward and releases their powerful war cry that had been passed down for generations! Once finished, the auras begin to recede and return the planet to its normal levels of calm. They all hug one another as Daisuke and Damon’s bodies begin to fade in and out of normal color and saturation. Daisuke looks to his grandfather and asks-“What is happening to us, Grandpa!?”-Donnie has a smile on his face as he says to them-“You two are returning home…where you both belong…We will be here for when your time has come…but it is not now…Farewell my grandchildren…”-Their bodies would then begin to fade in color of this realm and the two young Yuns say-“We love you all and thank you…for showing us the true way of the Yuns.”- (

Ohblivious: Felicity huffed and puffed as she leaned back in her chair anxiously. “Jeez.. I just want to see if they’re ok—“ She paused overhearing them speaking and she jerked up from her seat. “You say what!? Re-kill? Oh hell no! You guys better fix this somehow!” She said slamming her hand on a table. “M-My babies…” She sat down now calming down as she ran her black nails through her red waves stressed out of her mind. She sighed softly getting quiet. “If they’re having nightmares that means.. oh god. Is my Kitty Kat gonna have nightmares!?” She worried in her seat. “My poor baby.. she has arachnophobia.” She muttered biting her lip. ::Meanwhile:: "KYAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All that was heard in the distance was a loud blood curtailing scream and a little redheaded girl jet by as a huge spider chased after her.() “EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EWEWEWEWEWEWWWW!!!!” She screamed dashing away from the thing as fast as she could. As she ran she turned to look behind her. “THIS THING IS SO GROSS AND IT’S GODZILLA SIZEE!!” She yelled as she ran, the setting was a home and Kat was the size of an ant, while the spider appeared to be huge. She stumbled over a rug and as she glanced up the spider’s leg hovered over her about to step on her. “Oh god this is what I call .. “What comes around goes around…” She rolled over so the spider just missed her as she got up quickly and running into a small crack in the wall only she could fit into. She sighed in relief as she poked her head through the small hole, it was pitch black behind the wall and all she could hear was soft breathing down her neck. Just as she felt that she turned around and her eyes grew wide noticing the two eyes in front of her becoming six eyes opening. The second spider growled in her face as she yelped loudly and booked it out of the hole in the wall being chase by an even bigger spider that broke a bigger hole in the wall as it chased after her. “GAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed passing the other spider. The two spiders chased her all around the house as she refused to get tired and ran for dear life. ::Back at the hellicarrier:: “My poor baby, she may be able to rip a man’s head off with two fingers but not spiders.” She shook her head continuing to worry herself. (Kat would be the girl in the blue hair running from the spider.)

Thunrian: ( ) " ITS BREACHING NOW! GET READY!" /////Within Keyomi's Dream///// " I WONT LET YOU BASTARDS TAKE ME, I WILL FIGHT DEATH! " She said blasting into the air, wings sprouting from her back as she began to fight with Death himself. The battle had been long and drawn out. But she was fighting to live because her body had its pennical. The reason they all had been starting to wake up now, had been because there bodies had been pumped with just enough Omega gene to function.////Back to reality.//// " Look at there bodies, there whole again. The suits are fitting around them just right at this point. It's a wonder you came up with this idea Michiko! I mean we've been doing this for month's. But here it is! Were doing the unforgetable. Not with cybernetics but with real organic life! Were re-creating life! HAHAHAHHAHAH I CANT BELIEVE IT!" ( Oh, and this what were wearing in the pods.Everyones pretty much all wearing this right now. Just to clarify. ) Hiro rushed next to Michiko as he looked at all of the pods. " By god... its happening... its really working..." He said as he watched all of the pods. Thousands of pods from the bodies they did find were now glowing. But not like the childrens had ( All of our RPC's basically. If they were just a NPC they looked normal. ) " Could it be... that there the reason the healing is going so quickly? Is it there will to live? " Hiro said walking up to Daisukes tank. And then over to Keyomi's. " Then fight then... FIGHT UNTILL YOU GET YOUR LIFE BACK!" /////Within Kin's mind///// He had been racing towards the light running as hard as he could he heard every bully, every doubter. Everyone that didnt believe in him. He heard Damon call him weak, and then he witnessed his death again and all it did was make him smile. " I WONT DIE! I'M NOT WEAK! I'M GOING... TO LIVE!" Kin's voice roared and as he did he'd leap right through the light in his dire wolf form. A Form.. he had taken twice now. ////Back within the real world.//// " WE HAVE TO HIT THE SWITCH NOW MISS AKASAWA!! RIGHT NOWWW!!!" He said notcing that all of there bodies were glowing so brightly that certain eletrconic's in the room were surging out. Circuts were sparking all over in explions of electrical discharge. It was now or never!

Diversity: Michiko had been monitoring vitals, and saw that the deep REM dreams everyone was having signified a massive amount of brain activity. They were well, well enough to rouse. She just wanted to assure that the physical conditions were right. But one error arose, then another, and suddenly the helicarrier was flickering at every light and electronic. "No." She muttered sharply, Michiko's whiskey amber gaze looking for the emergency shut-down switch. But if she killed the project now, they could die. Her hand hovered over it and she recoiled her digits one by one. /I am -NOT- killing my children. I can't do this without them, without everyone. These are my friends./ She swung her hand over then and glanced over to Hiro. "It is time." She slammed the switch and the vents opened in every pod. The fluid swirled out in a liquid tornado, and the power burned bright before darkness consumed them. She felt terror prickling at her spine. Had they failed? Small red emergency lights clicked on at the edges of every room and hall, and small lights on the floor lit up. It was dim, and she was overcome with worry that magically stilled away from her expression. The keypad lit up beneath her, systems rebooting. The gurgling of fluid in the drains meant that the pods were now empty of the resuscitating and rejuvenating formula. Michiko gulped, and she looked over to Hiro. "Go. Go check on them please." She didn't wait for him to respond. She abandoned the control panel and went herself. At first it was a brisk walk. Then a jog, and before she knew it... She was running. Michiko ran to the pods where Kin and Keyomi were. No matter how they ever felt about her, they were still hers in her eyes and as cold as Michi could be, she /loved/ them. "Wake up." She looked into the glass, and glanced between them. Back and forth. Her hands shot out and she smacked the glass, though not hard enough to break it. Instead it was hard enough to echo the loud /BANG/ into their containers. "I said wake up god-dammit!" Michiko spoke in a harsh motherly command, as if she was scolding them for being asleep. But her eyes looked upon each of them, and she waited. The wait felt like forever, but she couldn't help it. And at once though, she noticed something was... /different/ about her children. They looked...

Thunrian: ( ) The water flushed out of the pods. Streaming out one by one, the water flushing down people dropping down to there knee's left and right. They lived. " YOU'VE DONE IT! MICHIKO! GOD DAMN IT! WOMAN YOU'VE CREATED SOMETHING MARVELOUS! " One by one the people who died stood, touching themselves to reassure themselves that life had been given back to them. Some broke out in tears while others simply began to laugh. Smiles broke across there face. Loved one's were reunited with one another that died together.However... for the heroes. ( Meaning all of the RPC's. ) They were dwarged down to the ages of 12 and or 13. " Wait... I thought they were teenagers? " " They were Mr.Lionheart. It seems the Acceraltered healing process has pushed there age clocks. Healing them so much that they've been pushed back a few years in age. None the less, it is amazing that they live again. She's done it...."/////Meanwhile//// Agent Zeus had been watching from a large crystal ball in his domain.

His stern expression said it all. ".... So be it. The dead wish to rise, then let them. They will see the same fate. " " Lord Zeus... Keyth Tasanagi and Densuke Ryoji have escaped from Posideon sir. " Zeus stared down his lacky before he simply twitched his eyebrow and a surge of golden lightning struck hm down in his place. " Can no one do anything right..." He said standing to his full height. " It seems... things are going to get intersting."/////Bback to our heroes.//////  Kin's eyes finally opened as he looked at Michiko. " Mom...?" He said in a younger, and scratcher tone as he dropped down to his knees. " Ungh... My head. I had the strangest dream... I was fighting some clowns. Then... I was fighting the grim reaper and I kicked his ass!" Keyomi said leaping out of her tank, only to hit the ground groggy with a high level of sickness that made her pass out the moment she jumped in the air. ( Everyone would feel this over-whelming level of sickness, its like nausea. Hahah dont be a douche, do it. ) Kin crawled over to his mom. But when he turned and began to look for Suzume. He saw that she had still been in her pod. Her condition seemed to be that she was healed... completely. And infact she had been in a younger state. Yet... she hadn't waken up. Kin was about to ask about this... when he soon passed out as well in Michiko's arms. " Well... you did it Michiko. You brought them back. You did the impossible." Hiro said laying his right hand on her shoulder. " I promise... this won't happen to them. Ever again...." " Yeah... you can count on that..." Keyth said With Densuke right next to him. THey both looked like they had just gotten out of a war. He walked over to Michiko and Kin, picking them both up on his shoulders. While he towered over michiko. Standing at a full 6'5 now... he had grown that much bigger then her over the years. " Hey there pretty lady." He said with a smile on his face. ".... I heard about what you've done. Thank you... for bringing my babies back to me. I wasn't strong enough to protect them... but don't worry... no one will take them from me again..." Kin said turning to face the viewing point for the orb Sector Olympus had been watching them all form. " You can count on that..." He said looking at the whole Squad when Hades blasted Viewing orb into bits. " Damn them... Damn them all..."

Yun's: -( With the pods opening up, the liquid quickly depletes and disappears from the pods to reveal the living breathing boys inside of the pods. A strong fog advection is released from the pods and this is where the Yun Family begins to gather around the two main pods of their children. Kuma stands in front of the pods with the Gray Family quickly coming to see the success of this experiment. And what they see, surprises the hell out of them! Two smaller versions of Daisuke and Damon step out from the pods! Daisuke comes out of the pod at a small 5’4 inches height with long black hair that extends down to the backs of his knees! Wearing the set suit made for the healing pod, Daisuke can’t help but place his left hand on the healing pod and his right on his stomach as he feels like he is about to Keel over.  That is when Damon yells out-“Brother!”-in a higher pitched tone of voice and tries to grab Daisuke before he falls. But little did Damon know, his own body reverted back to his pre-puberty days. And just as his arms reach out to grab Daisuke to keep him steady, Damon hits the floor on his belly and his eyes show the anime “X” as he had been hit with the nausea hard. Damon’s hair had also grown in length over the past year even with their smaller bodies. Because their physical bodies were not destroyed in the blast, they actually had continued to grow until being reverted back into children in the last few minutes of the process. Daisuke looks up to see Kuma, Aunt Liana, Uncle Duke and Cousin Slade and he says-“Well aloha there, fam…it seems we have either gone back in time or we have become kids again…”- Daisuke sees his little brother down and out on the floor and feeling the nausea hit him too, Daisuke still reaches down to help his brother back up to his feet. Duke looks at them with a stern brow before thrusting his hands out to the two of them. His hands quickly turn into multiple forms of bone that wrap around both young Yuns bodies and he pulls them over to him as if he were going to chokeslam them. He then yells out-“How dare you go and get yourselves killed like that! Dammit, Daisuke you are too damned wreckless!”-He then looks over to Damon-“And you! I saw you try and kill your own brother! What is the matter with you two! Acting like you two are invincible! You have people back here in the city who care about you and fear to lose you!”-The boys remain quiet for a few seconds before Duke yells out in his angry father voice-“WELL!? ANYONE GUNNA SAY ANYTHING!?”- With the two boys in his hands, they both begin to build up some water in their eyes and before Duke knows it-“WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”-The two begin to bust out in tears from being yelled at. Duke’s face quickly turns blank and then he is FWAPED on the back of the head by Liana’s left hand.-“They are kids ya fool!”- Duke then drops the two of them onto the ground as they land on their asses.-“Ouch!”-They both yell out as they rub their butts like small children. But what the two hadn’t noticed until they landed on the ground is that they both have brown tails coming out from their butts-“AAAAHH!!”-They yell out as their small hands clutch the tail and tug it to see if it is even real-“OW!”-They yell out immediately after tugging on their tails to prove that they are indeed attached to them.-“What is the meaning of this!?”- Damon yells out as he begins to gawk on the tip of the tail like a dog. Duke rubs his chin with his left hand and says-“Maybe the taking of their Omega Gene awoke the hidden powers that a Yun can possess…Damian did have a tail when we first met…perhaps he passed that trait along to them through their Yun DNA…This may get interesting.”- That is when Kuma says-“Isn’t it interesting enough…”- Duke then nods his head. Liana takes little Slade to go play with his cousins, giving Kuma and Duke a time to talk. Kuma begins to say-“You know Kaori is going to try and recruit them into her Black Glove Society…Turning these kids into soldiers…”- Duke rubs his chin once again, saying-“As much as her own family played a bit role in ours, I really don’t like the idea of seeing Daisuke…or even Damon for that matter being in her group…I understand they need to get stronger…But what they need…She may not deliver…”-Kuma then asks-“So what do we do from here? They no longer need us, it also seems as though Daisuke has made quite the friendship with that Tetsu boy…perhaps they will remain a team?...Work alongside with Yun Corp and our advanced team…”-Duke looks over at Kin and his family of Tasnagi’s coming to see him alive. Seeing the difference in the other families, Yuns have always fended for themselves. Duke looks at Kuma with his Third Tomei spinning slowly-“It’s time we brought him back, Kuma…”-Kuma takes a deep breath in and then lets it out slowly-“I always knew we would have to play that card at some point…We have enough people now with Damon on the squad now…When do you want to complete this task?”-Duke’s eyes would then glance over to Kaori, and with his tomei spinning in on the former love that Donnie had, he says to Kuma-“We can’t do it too soon…Let Daisuke and Damon have their fun here for awhile…But our time with this alliance is numbered…Can you trust them?...After what they did to him…Do you think they will do the same to you?...”-Kuma looks over towards Keyth and his family as Duke asks that question.-“If they fear the Pada Virus enough in Donnie…I know they have had to think about it with me as well…but they have never tried to ice me…But it is not to say that I trust them…Donnie trusted Keyome at the end of his life…and that came to be his downfall…There is no such thing as a peace with the Tasanagi’s as long as Yun Blood exists in this family…It is the way of the world…”- After hearing how Kuma spoke towards the controversial death of his former leader, Duke looks down at the kids and says-“Perhaps…but maybe one day this generation may come to fix our past…Come now…”-He motions as the two of them go to join Liana is welcoming the two young Yuns back to Earth.-

An Uneventful Afterlife[]

Demon Eyes Ryo: ( ) “……Boooooooooooooooooooring.” Connor lay on his back

NW Chapter 164


in the middle of what seemed like an endless field, with emerald green grass, and skies of blue. There was a feverish amount of clouds, which occasionally casted large shadows across the plains, and connor just lay there looking up at them, with a piece of hey in his mouth. He was naked. Had clothes, but didn’t much see need for em if he was as dead as he thought he was anyway. Connor’s eyes were slanted, showing deep thought, but it also steamed from heavy boredom and lack of interest. He could’ve been training. Practicing marital arts. Hell he could’ve probably done ANYTHING he’d wanted to do, but instead he just did this for the entirety of his death time. No nightmares. No bliss dreams. Not even some dream buns. Buns. Speaking of buns he furrowed his brow at the thought of kodi, and where her whereabouts were. “Gah…i shoulda fucked heer one more time. I’m totally gonna throw it in Leon’s face he died a virgin.  Score.” Connor would fist bump, sprining up off of his back and onto his feet, a pair of clothes appearing on him as suddenly as he got up. Connor would look down. “This dead stuff ant hitting on shit. Give me something! Anything!” Connor would spread his arms out and yell. “ANYTHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!” Connor listened to his own echo, before taking a moment to embrace the silence. He’d inhale and exhale before sighing. Looking ahead, at nothing but field, and deciding to walk yet again, as far as things go, they couldn’t get any shitter. Or could they. ( ) as connor took his next step, the grass around him would send out a wave of coloration, turning the emerald green grass to a dark and dead black. The discoloration spread and the skies turned from blue and white, to red, with raven black clouds. Red lightning eclipsed the sky with violent flashes and thunderous booms accompanying it. Connor would cross his arms, and tilt his head to the side. “Y’know I kinda dig the sceneray. It’s doesn’t make me wanna puke as much as it did a few seconds ago, so that’s a huge plus for me.” Connor would continue walking, until in his upcoming view a figure was walking twaords him. “Ahhhh some company!” Connor opened his arms expressing light heartedly. “Greetings! I thought I was all alone for a sec! are you apart of my subconscious too?!” The man as he got closer revealed his outfit. He was dressed in all black ninja attire, with a sivler head guard. He’d stood tall, and masculinie, with some kind of glowing blade sheated on his back, which he slowly began to unsheathe the moment he came much closer. He’d had golden eyes, with green specks in the middle of them, and his arm was riddled with red and fleshy lines



Connor would scowl with a smirk on his face. ‘Ahh…you’re one of those type subconscious thingys eh?” Connor’s voice trailed off a bit on the last part of his sentence. “WELL THAT’S FINE! IT’S MY WORLD AND I’LL KICK AS MUCH ASS AS I FUCKING WANT TO!’ Connor would dart twarods the man full speed ahead! Not wasiting a second to close the distance, but the man’s aura was so…murderous. Darkeer than anything he’d ever felt before in his entire life! Connor charged the man and threw a punch, only for the man to disappear in a heartbeat. Not even an afterimage, but a literal body flicker..the ninja would appear behind connor, and connor would turn to face him, jumping and launching a spinning kick towards his head! The man disappeared again. Suddenly there were two of this man…then three…then four….then one by one more of these men started to appear in the field, walking twaords Connor meneacingly, and fiercely intent on striking him. Connor could feel the anger in the air, but it was such a thick hatered, it almost made him gag. “a..ahhh..heh heh. Look fellas uh. Don’t want no trouble. Just a man lost in death. Y’know. Causal shit. Reeeeal casual shit.” Connor would put his guard up realizing he had no choice but to fight! The ninja dressed man drew his sword, coming fron the fornt of connorready to strike, and impale connor right

between the eyes until! “TUYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!” ( ) the ninja that was heading right for Connor would suddenly be met with a foot to it’s face, it’s jaw literaly distingerating into pieces of skull fragments and it’s body being fluing intot he crowd, sent 20 miles through the growing and increasing numbers of the ninja army! The man would land on the ground without so much as a noise. Connor would raise a brow, looking at the man. “huh? The fuck are you supposed to be?!” the man stood tall, wearing a white karate gi, sporting a red headband, with red sparing gloves, and a black belt. ( )He’d look over to Connor and glare. “No time to explain Connor…it’s time to wake up’” the man’s chi began to flux wildly, a large blue column of energy began to eclipse the sky actually sperating the clouds, and turning a spot of the red sky blue again. “Not until you give me some answers! This is no time to be!...thought that was pretty badass I’ll give you kudos.” “was it really?” the man folded his arms. “y’know I always had trouble making cool entrances, I’d ususally come off as a dweb-LOOK!” the man’s face was stern yet again. “If this guy gets  you here, then you’re never coming back. You’ve been given a second chance. And this guy seeks to swap places with you…I’ve aleady told  your brother about this. Get outta here, cause if this guy gets into the real world, it’s gonna be an even bigger shit list.” Connor would now be back to back with this mystery man. “one question! What was my brothers death dream like?” the man’s face frowned a bit. “Death. Looooooooots and lots of death. Couple kittens though. Anyway. Buh-bye now!” the man would close his eyes smiling and waving at Connor before a light blinded Connor. //in the real world//( ) Ayperos sat upon the lookout tower of the newly established HFH base, 600 miles off the coast of Kasaihana city. There sat a large base, spaning about 2 miles in total permiter and building mass, which had taken years to complete, but was finally finished and at such a perfect time to. The base handn’t been neamed just yet, but there were the remaining HFH members, lined up and ready for action. Making routine trips to the city to help fend off the bots, and any troubles that plague the common man, even forming resistence plans to free some of the slaves. A first, second, and third shift gig, to effectively rotate vigilantes and not overwork anyone. The base stood proud, but unnamed as of yet. (  ) equip with cloaking gear so adapet, it didn’t even bleep on a sonar, Ayperos had been monitoring the shore line for activity as he usually did. Until a rock hit him on the side of his temple. Ayperos would growl before sighing. “Yes, Danny.” Danny chan, would cup his hands over his mouth and yell out. “OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! CAN WE GO BACK TO THE CITY NOW!? MY UH…MY WIFE SAID NO BUNS TIL WE HAVE THE APARTMENT BACK! KINDA….KINDA HORNY HERE! I MEAN IF NOT IT’S COOL JUST UH….YEAH………BUNS!!!” Danny chan, was a man of…many and unessecary words. Ayperos would leap down and land on the ground infront of Danny in a squat, his cape following him. “We have people fighting in the city…forming underground railroads and resistence groups…salvaging what’s left…and you’re worried because your wife isn’t sleeping with you. Why does Densuke keep you around.” Danny would scoff and rest his arm on Ayperos’ shoulder. “pft duh. Cause I’m the shit? Densuke owes me for having his back when shit hit the fan. It was me and him! ha! Huah!” Danny would do some shaolin kung fu motions, and grunt. “Plus if not for his name, I wouldn’t be so high on the KPD rosteeeeeer.” Ayperos would fold his arms, closing his eyes. “You’ve been a foot patrol….for years Danny. They send you to do the things smart folks DON’T do.” “yeah, but I’m the only one to get the job done.” Danny’s son would come from no where with an add lib. “JOB DONE” Then kevin would disappear s quick as he came. “Sooooo the 800,000 dollars you ran up in bills at densuke’s old apartment…that’s water under the bridge to? The majority of that is rent Chan.” Ayperos’ voice firm, as Danny would point a finger at him. “Well you see I black mailed him. I threated to put his and felicity’s secret sex tape on the web if they kicked me out. Man you should’ve SEEN it! there was this part where, Densuke had this clamps right?! And he- “ “LALALALALALALA DON’T CARE ALALALALALA” Ayperos would cover his ears, and repeat his saying blocking it all out as danny cackled. “no worries it’s safe on the cloud.” Kevin would walk up beside Danny with a worried look. “D…did you just say cloud?” Kevin dressed in his webs strider gear questioned his father. “Yup. It’s great isn’t it? so convent the apple cloud is.” “Uh dad. People hack that thing every day. There’s’ a high chance, Mr.Ryoji and Mrs.Ryoji’s tape is probably on PornHub somewhere.” The area fell silent for a moment.  Ayperos looked at Danny. Danny looked at Kevin. Kevin looked at Ayperos. Danny pointed to both of them. “…..we never speak of this moment again. understood?....blood brothers.” Danny would pull out a knife and cut his arm, letting blood drip from it, and he’d hand his son the knife. Kevin’s eyes glistened with anime fashion as he was about to grab the knife and whispered. “B-blood brothers…” Ayperos would snatch the knife and  yell at them, his head growing much bigger as he did. “GET BACK TO WORK GOD DAMMIT!” Danny and Kevin would run in place, like cartoon characters before taking off into the dephs of the base to make themselves useful.


( ) “…..!” Connor’s eyes shot open, as he looked up at the sky. This time however there wasn’t a giant ball of

Yi shi woon by abuamin32-d675krf

"Death sucks ass..."

destruction floating down towards him. in fact  he doesn’t even recall any pain from his death. Probably cause the pod put him back to sleep almost as quick as it came. “Ah….I must be dead. Eh. It’s not so bad. Washi you there?” “Indeed.” Connor would look to his right and see washi standing beside him looking around. He had a furrowed brow. “What’s on  your mind buddy?” Connor spouted. “Hmm..I suspect we’re either in a state of purgatory between the living and the dead, or that we’re under some form of stasis…for now I’ll be deducing these things myself to eep track. For now let’s just agree to disagree that we’re dead.” “but you’re still here aren’t you?” Washi would scratch his chin. “I’ll be honest Connor, I’m an Oni. Weather you die or not I’ll live on. I’m choosing to follow along honestly. Out of all the humans, I’m curious to see your trials and tribulations.” Connor would playfully nudge Washi on the arm. “you dirtbag ahaha! Anyway…you think it’s just us? I see people around but as far as who I know I’m not sure.” Washi would begin walking and Connor would follow. “First of all let’s gain a sense of reality. I’m physical here. See.” Washi would tap someone on the shoulder, and the person would look at him as if he was crazy. “this should be glaringly impossible. We’re in a state of altered reality. Though I suspect pain, and various other emotions, which are mental in nature, still come into play. I’d be careful. I don’t know where our “real body” is, IF….there is even one to begin with.” Washi and Connor would slip through the crowd. “Well I’m gonna find Kodi..i have to check up on her. See how she’s doing. Death was easy for me, cause I didn’t give a shit, but she might have taken it differently than I did.” Connor would signal for washi to follow, and they’d begin making their way to Nathans brothel. Connor would walk up to the door, and knock on it twice. Wearing what he was before his death, he sported a white wife beater, and some khaki pants, with badge boots to boot. He’d stuff his hands in his pockets waiting for an anseer, taking a few breathes to see if he was breathing. Washi would lean over to connor and whisper. “You think that’s air you’re breathing?” “. . . oh you are so fucking slick.’ Connor would luaght loudly while Washi would facepalm himself and laugh loudly at his matrix reference. They had no clue as to what was happening, but they’d face it as it came to. For now connor wanted to see Kodi more than anything.

( )The blonde


."Weird...It seems.. like all a dream..though.. I know I did die...Fighting that thing."

seemed to smell the nice breeze within her nostrils,though her eyes began to flutter open..blinking in surprise.. feeling the soft patch of grass underneath her. It seemed as if it was all a horrid nightmare, dying and such... she exteneded her arms out infront of her,examining herself, thus moving her legs as well checking to see if she was in full control.."Weird...It seems.. like all a dream..though.. I know I did die...Fighting that thing."  while she awoken peacefully speaking to herself,though she sat herself up .Kodi tilted her head back gazing at the large tree, then at the city... thus the old playground she had hanged out at as a child,Though not knowing that this was all a dream like world between life and death. She stood up on her feet, while she saw her former child self infront of her.. Her eyes widened..  before a child Cid ran passed her heading to the blonde's child self."Hey Kodi! Look I found this shark tooth necklace on the floor well two ! But I'm keeping one! So we can always be connected you know best friend shit!"  Child Kodi eyes would glistened before taking the shark tooth that was already made as a necklace..She would actually smile at Cid for once.. nodding at her before giving the child a hug.. The vixen couldn't beleive she could let a thing like this slip from her grasp, all from her being shot down and murdered.. The children disappeared before Kodi herself began to cry softly..She couldn't take this, it made her heart physcially hurt as if a void was inside her..She didn't want anymore people dying that she cared about around her... even if she had to disappear.. though she had to leave she couldn't let her father Shark take there lives due to her. She took a grip of her necklace while silently crying before walking out of the park, and passed the people before her..She had to look for Connor before she headed out on her journey, even if she wasn't alive or not she had to tell him, that it was time to part ways.. even if deep inside she didn't want too..He was the only one that she actually let in,and she yearned for him all the time. Though she doesn't want to take anymore sadness and despair from her loved ones being killed. As she made it through the crowds, Kodi eyes shimmered seeing Connor looking around amongst the crowd, she shook her head timidly before heading over to him tapping his right shoulder softly awaiting for him to turn around.

Connor felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around, looking to see his beautiful girlfriend. Her blue eyes glistening in this fantasy like son as his face would light up at the sight of her. “Kodi!” Connor would hug her, almost knocking her off of her feet, and embracing her close, happy to see her in this time and place. “I’m so glad you’re okay…I don’t know how dying was for you, but I wish I’d have been there. When it happened I kinda just said fuck it at that point, ahaha!” connor would lean back and hold her by her shoulders, but then a certain taste hit his tongue.  He tasted somber…sadness. Some form of angst in kodi’s heart. As tasty as it was, he’d tilt his head to the right, leaning in a bit, and bumping foreheads with her, his crimson eyes reflecting inside of her blue ones. “Kodi is…everything okay? You look distorted…I can just kinda feel these things. What’s up?” connor would peck her nose with a kiss, nudging her head with his own like some kind of lion or animal, his grip on her arms tender and not forceful, which was rare. Maybe he did understand the meaning of compassion. “Stop being a faggot and tell me what’s going on.” Well sort of understanding compassion anyway. ) Kodi would blink as she smiled to herself when her estatic boyfriend had hugged her, feeling his warmth feeling embrace. She could feel the happiness in his voice, though when he had bumped his forehead with hers while there eyes made contact with one another.. She felt her heart sunk though to Kodi it was the right way to break things off.. She didn't want to feel anything when someone else she cared for to die on her.“Kodi is…everything okay? You look distorted…I can just kinda feel these things. What’s up?”  As he asked he would peck her soft nose as well as nudging her head with his.. The female felt a grip tenderly upon her arms while telling her to stop being a fag and tell whats going on with how shes asking.The blonde scoffed, forcing herself to shove Connor away from her slightly..She stood silent closing her eyes,not wanting to show the feelings amongst her eyes.. Her abrasive tone came aloud.."Connor, we need to part ways for good.Though I always cherished..." her voice trailed off while she had shook her head,biting her bottom lip hard holding back her tears before abrutly speaking again."I'm leaving everyone behind.." Kodi would then shoved Connor from the middle of his chest once more, trying to make him feel a sense of hurt. The female then turned away, still holding back her emotions deeply she wanted to hug him back but she took a step forth beginning to walk away from Connor.

(continue song from her post xD just let it ride out) Connor was smiling at first, until she shoved him away form her. He took it lightly at first, they always played rough so it was common to him. what wasn’t common were her words. "Connor, we need to part ways for good.Though I always cherished... I'm leaving everyone behind.." As she shoved him again, connor’s head would tilt and his brow would furrow. “wait….wait wait wait what why?” As she turned away, Connor would walk up behind her and grab her by the shoulder turning her around to look at him, if his attempt worked. “You’re joking…right? After everything you’re just gonna up and leave? Like a bitch? Who does that?” Connor would point at the brothel. “Do I have to go get nathan out here to straighten you out? Or kai? Cause you’re talking like a lunatic. Seriously, what’s up with you…don’t joke about things like that.” Connor was clearly in denial as his eyes trailed off from hers a bit, before the stern look came back to his eyes and he looked at her. Confused. That’s all he got from her vibe was pure confusion. He didn’t know why she was cutting everyone off and out the blue like this…it made no sense. Washi looked on with a furrowed brow as well, choosing to take a few steps back from them. “This might get ugly..” Washi thought to himself. Connor would look back at her shaking his head. “talk to me blondie…don’t shut me out like you never let me in in the first place.”

Kodi felt him grab her by the shoulder, turning her around .. her eyes glistened watching his reaction.. She was surprised though was slightly feeling the saddness overwhelm her inside as he spoke. You’re joking…right? After everything you’re just gonna up and leave? Like a bitch? Who does that?” Connor  pointed at the brothel, her gaze was deeply in a depressed haze.. it was killing her to leave, and Connor was making it worse. “Do I have to go get nathan out here to straighten you out? Or kai? Cause you’re talking like a lunatic. Seriously, what’s up with you…don’t joke about things like that.”   The female would then advert her eyes knowing he was being in-denial about this whole thing.Kodi would then pull away from him when she had heard him that she needed to not shut him out, Her tears finally streaming down her porcelain face, thus in attempt, raising up her right leg bashing her foot against his sternum causing him to skid back atleast five feet before his back slammed abrutly against a lamp-post. The impact caused the lamp-post to dent mildly.If successful, the female walked over to him,glaring down at him as the trail of tears, glistened against the light." I fucking told you I'm leaving.I don't need a explanation nor do I need to explain myself...It's over. When you need to isolate a shark.. the shark then heads out in the sea alone..."After she spoken in a cold tone, Kodi would then turn her back toward Connor."If you want to get in my way, then I have no choice but to beat you down." She stood there for a brief moment while she continued to walk down the street.

Connor would wait for an answer before next thing he knew she’d based her leg into hs chest, sending him flying back first into a lamp post! “OOF!” Connor gaorand, as his back dented the post and he landed face first into the pavement. As she spoke her words about leaving…Connor lay on the ground listening. Connor would ball his fist up, scraping the dirt between his fingers a tad bit. He’d slowly begin to push himself up, his head hung low as the shadow from his hair eclipsed his face all except for his mouth. He’d not speak a word only dust himself off, before cracking his neck from side to side. “Alright Blondie…” Connor would speak in a gruff tone of voice. “What’s come over you I don’t know…why you’re leaving, I don’t know….what I do know. Is that you’re gonna fucking tell me. If you’re gonna up and leave me…and everyone you care about…you’re gonna give me an explanation. I’m not asking for one either. I’m demanding it.” Connor would look up as his  crimson eyes stared her down as she started to walk away. Connor would lift his right leg up, flushing chi into it and thumping it to the ground, using his  destruction chi to create a pahthway of cracking rocks along the ground, that as kodi would take her very next step in what ever direction as she was turned away, would slide underneath her foot, and send her body to the ground in a spilt. This attempt to thwart her from moving any further, probably wouldn’t hurt because of her flexibility. What WOULD hurt is the attempted running football punt connor was attempting to lash at the very top of her skull! If it connected her body would be flung into the street 8 feet away from where she was, with a couple of scrapes from the pavement. If it connected connor would walk towards her, standing 5 feet away from her with his fist balled. “I’m not gonna let you throw everything away because  you’re running from something you fucking coward…” if the kick missed, connor would spin his motion into a roundhouse kick attempting to send her the same distance and say the same thing.

( ) Kodi's eyes were shut hearing  the pathway of rocks cracking upon the concrete floor,it seemed to be heading toward her. The female brought her hovering foot to a halt ,only a about 6 inches away from the floor. Completely missing the pathway of cracking rocks completely. She would then start Asorbing the destruction chi within each of her legs. Her blonde locks of  hair levitated upwards along with her blue/black aura flowed seeped out of her body.Kodi would use her foot that was on the floor, to twist her body facing toward Connor who was  already ran at her then lunging out punting her at the top of her skull.. She gritted her teeth in pain before being flung onto the streets just bout 8 feet away from Connor laying on her back slightly injured ,opening her eyes quickly sending a glare at the male who stood a few feet away from her.  “I’m not gonna let you throw everything away because  you’re running from something you fucking coward…” The abrasive female  shook her head,before standing up not speaking anymore.Slamming her right foot into ground,causing a big chunk of the street ground would fling out upwards about 5 feet from the ground leaving a large crater on it.Kodi would then rose her right foot up once more before,swinging it back then forward.. her foot made contact into the floating chunk of conrete.. The force thus mixed with the destruction chi flowed within her legs caused the impact of the large rubble to fly at Connor in  high speeds. In attempt, the rock would smash into the male, though knowingly he would smash this into nothing.Kodi would then jump over the crater thus running at him,in attempt she would lunge out tackling him down onto the street.. Her eyes grew weary yet anger hiding it. Kodi had her knees on his arms,pinning him down. She rose her left arm, balling into a fist using the psycho power within her attempting to smash her fist into the center of his face. The force on impact caused the back of his head to bash against  the cement even causing it crack behind him.She grunted loudly,while raising her fist again then smashing it straight into his face again..Though she wasn't using her chi on her fist, she was using her chi upon her legs keeping the males arms pinned down as she brought a beating onto his face.If successful this would leave Connor's nose fractured along with a couple of fractures upon his cheek bones. She leaned over, smirking while kissing his bloody beaten face.Leaning back up she would then attempt to bash her fist against his chin roughly leaving a large bruised that appeared minutes later.. If successful Kodi then flung herself off of him, landing atleast 9 ft away from him,she stood there watching him lay there.

( )Connor galred as she stomped her foot into the ground, cuasing a large chunk of rock to fling itself from the ground in front of her. Connor preparing for what he’d think was to come, would lower his stance, placing his arms be his sides bent at the elbow. As she launched the rubble at him, Connor would draw his right fist back, launching it forward at the center of the rubble  and destroying it with one punch! The debris spread outwards as connor grunted while throwing this punch, only to be caught off guard tackled, by kodi and tumbling down the street, wrestling with her a bit before she’d ended up on top of him, her knees and leg strength pinning his arms down to the ground. Connor was about to attempt a maneuver to escape, using his keen combat knowledge and instincts to…do nothing. As she threw the first punch into his face, he simply took it lying down. His head hitting the cement and cracking it beneath his skull. Connor had a hard head one thing was for sure. His face hurt, and he’d had a bruised nose, but he was resilient more than anything. Though even he’d admit her punches got harder. As she threw the next punch, connor took it to. Just like a bitch. “Am I…subconsciously holding back?” connor would continue staring her dead in her eyes. Every hit she launched and he didn’t so much as blink to take his eyes away from hers, though his nose was cracked admit ably. She wasn’t holding back... Even if she couldn’t show the angst, the feeling and the taste of it were on connor’s tongue. Connor would watch as she gave him a small kiss…as she did this it was at that moment he understood that if he was going to keep her here he’d have go give it his all. Putting aside what she meant to him in order to do what was best for her…even if it wasn’t best for him. As she drew her fist up again, Connor retaliated, by literally raising his own head up with a rousing amount of force, to slam his forehead into her fist! While seemingly stupid, the force from his head butt using properties of wing chun, would feel like a heavyweight boxer with a steel glove just punched her fist. The pain of this alone would accompany a force to crack a knuckle or to, and send her are deflecting backward in the air in a flail! Connor would capitalize on this and attempt to raise his legs up, to grip her by her head and fling her off of him, into the air by 15 feet! In backwards flip, at about 60mph each rotation! Connor wasted not a single second, hopping up in a squat, an angry tear flowing down his eye as he’d leap up higher than her by a few inches, in an attempt to grip her legs, and flip himself and her body forward, 3 times before tossing her down toward the ground, with tremendous and momentum built force. ( )The


“Am I…subconsciously holding back?”

throw would send her descending at 70mph and cause her body to sink into the cement. The moment she’d hit the pavement connor would follow her down, attempting to land right on top of her upper body with both of his feet sinking into her gut at the same speed she descended! If this connected, it would send them both below the pavement into the sewer ways, into the water  Connor would quickly stand up and off of her, taking a few steps back to see if his maneuver did the trick to keep her down, as he’d attempted to bruise her abdomen so much so to a point where movement of her core would cause terrible muscle ruptures and cramping. If the leg toss and throw was countered, connor would prepare for what ever maneuver she might try to counter with. If the maneuver worked, connor would spite some blood from his mouth into the water, and take his fighting stance, extending his left arm forward with an open palm, and drawing his right fist to be at the level of his chin with a balled up fist and bent at the elbow, spreading his legs about shoulder width apart. There were no more words connor would let himself say at this moment.

( ) The  females eyes widen in surprise,watching Connor  rise his head up slamming his forehead against her fist. Kodi yelped in pain while rearing back her fist.. She felt two of her knuckles fracture though the force would send her backwards.Kodi took it while he would raise his legs grappling her by her head.. Connor would then flung her up 15 feet in the air.As he would flip up into the air, she gritted her teeth, while hearing her heart-beat thumping.. Her eyes shifted up qucikly when he had leaped higher than she had. Kodi would then watch him try to grip her legs.. the female jerked her each of her legs back within a split second, after she jerked them back forward along with the destruction chi rising within her legs...Her eyes squinted before spreading her legs while slamming them the side of her inner legs onto the sides of his gastric. The impact of her legs bashing amongst the sides of his stomach would cause his inner insides to becoming severly injured. The stern female kept a grip on him as they were in the air in attempt, she would fling Connor over with all her strength within her legs.Toward a building on the right side of her, this would send the male flying straight into the wall of the building face front.. Kodi would kick upon the air, as if gliding amongst the air toward the building, she picked up her speed at least 70 mph... The female reached out her right arm before kicking her feet into the building on each each side of him.Grappiling his brown locks within her grasp from behind."Just fucking leave!" Her raspy remorse tone came outloud, while she bit her lip in attempt she tugged his head back thus slamming it back into the wall. this would smash head through the wall causing him to have mad injuries on his forehead even face.If this connected Kodi would then pull her legs out, concentrating her chi within the soles of her feet.planting them on the building now standing sideways.keeping a grip still on his hair. Thus the female kicked her right foot off the wall while she started sprinting downwards upon the wall.. Starting to swiftly run in atleast 60mph, while tugging Connor's head out from  the hole before smashing the right side of his face back into the hard gravel concrete wall, letting it slide amongst it in a rough matter.. This would leave the side of his face having deep major deepend cuts along his cheek also having gravel stuck inbetween the cuts.,then up to his side of his templet,now severely having blood spurt out slightly from the wounds. If successful, Kodi would now be 5 seconds from the concrete ground.. She would then in attempt fling Connor's body forth with brute force,hearing him slam amongst the hard ground.. The impact would cause his spinal cord to devastatingly fracture. If successful,Kodi would land ontop of him laying over him while gazing at him, her blue oceanic whirpools began to soften up a bit before adverting them while sliding off of him,getting back on her feet.

Connor as he rose above her in the air was confident that his maneuver would be some what decent as he's reach for her legs and attempt his throw BUT! it was thwarted as she jerked he legs back to avoid his grip only to retaliate by using her thunder thighs to grip Connor around his waist slamming them against his sides! "Kuh!!!!" Connor grunted as he felt he pain shoot through his body. he'd bee feeling that for a while. her maneuver didn't stop there however as she didn't let him go by any means would use her leg strength to toss his body face first into the side of a building! Connor would start to pull himself from the wall and recover until he'd felt her legs slam on both sides of his back collapsing him even further into the wall! 'TCH!" he'd whisper. as she yelled at him to leave her one Connor would feel his head being pulled back by her and his head would be slammed through the concrete wall. as his head came out the other side he'd had some dust on his face and shake his head to recoop for a moment. this should've broken Connor in more but the more damage he took the more empowered he became, adding that his once "girlfriend" was filled to the brim with mixed negative emotions Connor's physique was a par from the norm including his durability. this didn't help the helm spitting headache he'd acquired but it literally could've been worse. as she kicked off of her right foot and lifted him from the spot for a moment just to attempt to drag him down the wall with his face being drug along the wall as she ran with him downwards! Connor’s face scraped against the cement, his durability withstanding it for the most part, but that didn’t mean that a bloody whelp wouldn’t be left in his cheeks stead! His durability increase enough to sustain the most of the maunver, and keep on trucking, which even then he was reluctant to too. Apart of him pondered just letting her go, letting her win, but he couldn’t. he just couldn’t. ignoring the sting of gravel in his cheek, as she went to throw him, he’d capitalize on her position! Waiting until she’d reached the apex of her throw, as the moment she extended her arm to let go, Connor’s hands shot up to grip her wrist in a death lock, the strength form his hands alone, smooshing and pressing together the bones in her wrist on impact! “I CAN’T JUST WALK AWAY ON SOMETHING I CARE ABOUT YOU DUMBASS!!!” Connor would use her throwing momentum combined with his own descending with gravity and pull her infront of him, so her butt would be in his face, and her back was to him. preforming this quick witted counter in a half second with expert martial timing, he’d attempt to wrap his legs around her neck, and engulf her waist with his arms in a bear hug! While doing so he’d use the micro push and expel it from his shoulders and his head, even if she was to attempt to counter with a



movement once in the grip, connor had accelerated their bodies to 100mph in a downward drop! If successful, Connor would’ve piledrived Kodi head first into the cement, and through the upper layer road,  until the both of them had crashed through the road and landed inside of the sewers! Sending her head first into the cement below the surprisingly clear water! Her head would look like that of an ostriches, as the rest of her body would be sticking up from the pool of water. The impact alone with the combined speed and velocity, would be sure to slit at least 2-3 disc in  her back, and cause a mind numinlgy deadly pain in her neck, preventing her from turning it properly if she wasn’t careful.  If successful, Connor would sit in the water, and unwrap his legs from her head, leaning back on his hands and panting. “talk shark! TALK TO ME LIKE  YOUR SU-FUCKING-POSED TO!!!” Connor yelled, with her stiff arrowed body between his legs. If the piledriver was countered via a motion reversal that involved flipping the position, connor would simply use a micro push to flip it back to it’s original position, just to make sure the pile drivers success rate was that much higher. Every second this fight ensued, Connor could feel his heat breaking…shattering….crumbling…all he wanted was to know why. ) Kodi's eyes widened when had gripped her wrist roughly causing her bones to press together amongst it. The female gritted her teeth,then blinking when he had yelled that he couldn't walk away from something he cares about.. Though deep inside she didn't want to walk away from Connor. He is everything she wants. She just wanted to do this on her own, but she couldn't tell him. Kodi was more of a person keeping things in, when it meant her dying or leaving. Connor would then throw her along with decending her,pulling Kodi infront of her who would now be upside down, wrapping his legs around her well as grappling his arms around her waist. While each of there bodies fell downward at 100mph. causing her head to bash onto the cement though breaking through the first layer of the concrete .This would have her head already seeping with blood on the top of templet.The two landed into the sewers, Though just before her head would meet the ground underneath the water. Kodi would then focus her destruction chi within her arms, once more before raising them quickly with the palms of her hands meeting the ground underneath the water.. Though the destruction within her chi would cause the ground to abrutly form upwards around her body. In attempt, if Connor had not moved from the concrete made spikes this would have his right thigh to be penetrated amongst the spikes, along with two piercing within each of his arms right through.The female slipped through the sphere of spikes before flipping forward,as her feet made a splash landing onto the ground...Feeling her feet soak up the water, she inhaled sharply.. the waters didn't smell revolting it was a oceanic smell it was somewhat eerie.. The blood soon dripped down her battered face..She turned around, her eyes soon turning a faint blue... A faint voice came from behind..."Now..." It was the same voice that came from when she had fought Crator.. Though what she didn't know that it was a visible to the eye shark-like female leviating behind her. A beautiful being she was, having a face of purirty but having eyes of being stern. Thus within a second she had seeped inside the female as if she had became one. In attempt, the water would around soon arisen up, drying up the sewers..A soft spoken tone came from Kodis lips.."Intruding into her journey will get you and her nowhere.." Her eyes coming contact with Connors crimson red eyes... In attempt, her arms would rise along with balling her hands into a fist causing the water around to harden.. it be as hard as stones mixed with being as sharp as thick


real glass. Kodi would then rear her arms back, the water would rear itself back as well.. then she jerked them back out.. causing the sphere to split in half causing two huge wads of harden water to be flung at him... Coming on impact, the wads of water would smash into his body, causing the spikes to break in half if he hadn't moved away. if connected the water would soon bash him against the walls of the sewers.. The force on impact would cause the bones from his upper to shatter completely.Kodi eyes would overflow in tears as she headed over to him before rearing her arms atleast 3 feet back that would control the circular sphere off of the male.Then jerking her arms back forth,smashing it back against his body once more,along with engulfing him in water...if conneted the female dropped her arms,dropping the water down...if successful, Kodi stood there,now being incontrol of her body the spirit seeped within her necklace...She gazed at Connors body sliding down from the cracked wall.. Lowering her head in shame, knowing what she had caused, to her she shouldn't had said anything.. and just left without a word.. Though she slowly walked over to him weakly, kneeling down while wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging his battered bloody body.. having him in her arms felt so good.. one last time.. The deeply saddened female embraced Connor in her arms... before pulling back before jumping out from the hole an landing on the street.. Kodi then walked over to a building laying him against it.. She knelt,over brushing his hair off from his face before giving his lips one last kiss.."I'll always cherish our moments, and if we ever meet once again.. then... Idk really fuck.." she scoffed before standing up, while turning around facing her back toward him before silently walking away..

(  ) Connor sat in the water, watching her and comtempt with how it ended, or at least how it should’ve ended, as the moment before the impact with the water was made, a series of spikes had erupted from the ground! “Tch!” Connor uttered. He’d have been a goner if it weren’t for his micro push : During his bout with Daisuke Yun Connor & Washi discovered that they could isntead of preforming Connor's full on Pusshu Bakufu, could instead use less compresed and shortened versions of it, as "micro pushes" of air pressure to propell himself, or repel himself in various directions. These mini push blast can be fired from the very pours of connor's body, or any open hole explosed to the surface, allowing connor to push his body in any direction he may will it to. As demonstrated in his semi-final bout he could use the micro push and achieve a false form of flight, which is really just him exerting the push blast beneath his feet over and over again to stay air borne. Unlike the full power push blast, these do not exert a glow, but more so have the appearance of a blurred boom of air pressure that explodes from Connor's body. Connor would shoot these out of his rear end the moment he saw her hands make contact with the ground, narrowly escaping the spike to the thigh, but the spikes towards his arms would pierce almost completely through, but thanks to connor’s actions they’d leave a shallow mark as he’d flip backwards multiple times in the water gaining some distance from kodi with a series of hand spring backflips all happening in a single second, he preformed about 5 (Agility_2.gif )  Connor would land in the water taking his fighting stance and grunting a bit while doing it. He’d glare at her, lowering his stance as she recovered. When she did however a figure appeared behind her…some form of humanoid shark or something of the sort. The being appeared before connor and spoke to him. .."Intruding into her journey will get you and her nowhere.." Connor would stretch his arm out, as Washi would walk beside connor with his hands stuffed in his long red trench coat pockets. Connor yelled out. “We’ll see…I’ll put my foot in both of your assess!” Washi would goan. “Connor..let me talk to you for a second.” Washi would fade into Connor’s body as did the shark female into Kodi’s. “I’m gonna end this kodi you hear me! I’m dragging you home!” Connor would extend his right index finger and his thumb, a bright…blue orb glowing at the tip of his finger as she motioned for her next attack! Connor also initiated his Eagle eyes, to help calculate and predict the outcomes of the situation, allowing him to read her movements as clear as day! He was preparing to take the shot off a lifetime! “Connor….don’t.” A hypersecond thought process occurred in connor’s mind as washi spoke to him. “Don’t what? Hit her? Do you hear how she’s talking?!? She’s lost it! not even telling me what it is, or anyone! She can’t just abandon-“ “Look Connor. Look at her eyes. I know you taste it…that sorrow…the regret…it’s all pouring out in bits and pieces…” Connor looked at her eyes, his crimson gaze meeting her sapphire glare. Connor could see it…and he didn’t like it…” This decision can’t be any easier on her than it is for you to accept it. granted you’re both brutes, so in a fight you’ll hurt each other…but maybe in some way you should try to understand. Let her go. This is her choice and you should respect that…even if you don’t want to.” Connor snapped back into reality. The sphere of water connected with Connor dead on. Kodi’s emotions fueling his body’s mobility, and as he took the impact his shirt was torn completely to nothing, and his muscles dented for a second, large bruises and whelps appearing across his upper body from the sheer impact of the water. hIs body went flying against the wall, and he’d tilt his head back gritting his teeth and letting a stream of red gloss his chin. Connor was fine physically….battered and beaten, but fine. Emotionally….he was torn. Connor would take the second impact of the water again, his muscles torn in his pectoral area, and his the rest of his chest covered in black and blue whelps. He slide down onto the ground with his head empty gaze in his eyes. As she walked over to him and lifted him up, Connor had been deep in thought. Blocking out everything around him to try and come up with a solution. Something to make her stay..using his own Eagle vision to sort out his emotional problems rather than combat.  As she sat him against the building, and moved the hair from his face, her lips met his and Connor came to once again. He watched her pull away from him and begin to walk away..Connor would speak with a shakey voice. “Wait…god dammit.” Connor would rest his arms over his knees and lower his head. Taking a moment hoping she’d stop and listened, but even if she didn’t he’d continue talking. “Kodi…I don’t know why you’re being so hard headed..your a stubborn bastard and a selfish bitch for this…I just want you to know that.” Connor would stand himself up, wincing a bit. “I can’t fight I want to..not like this. It hurts to much…if this is you’re choice. The choice you’ve decided on. I’ll respect it...and I’ll walk away from it. I’ve got no other options right? I can’t change your mind…and I damn sure won’t beg.” Connor would turn his back to her, biting his lip and shedding silent tears. Hiding his pain with words. “The next time we see each other…if it’s not in bed..maybe it’s best we didn’t…I’ll get my stuff and leave the brothel. I’ll leave Nathan a few stacks for the trouble. To many memories..good bye blondie.” Connor would start to walk off in the opposite direction of her, waving at her without looking. “Let’s have a real rematch one day.” Connor continued his walk down the street, and Washi spoke to him in his head. “What you did was very mature connor…women are complicated like that. Sometimes you just have to let you think she’ll come back.” Connor shook his head replying mentally. “Nah…but if she does. I’ll be here. Like the bitch I am..”  Connor’s foot steps got further and further away, until eventually they’d fade into the returning crowd of people, where he was gone from her sight, and eventually her life for the time being.

( ) Kodi brought herself to a halt, having her back still turned to him.. She turned around slowly facing him ,hearing him out. “Kodi…I don’t know why you’re being so hard headed..your a stubborn bastard and a selfish bitch for this…I just want you to know that.” Holding back her tears,hearing him say this she turned her head to the right slightly,hearing him stand himself up when she had continued to listen to him saying he couldn't fight her like this... it hurts to much.. she knew what he was getting at... this fight was not hurting them physically though emotionally.She balled her hands into a fist,clawing the insides of her palms.biting her lip roughly as he continued "…if this is you’re choice. The choice you’ve decided on. I’ll respect it...and I’ll walk away from it. I’ve got no other options right? I can’t change your mind…and I damn sure won’t beg.” Kodi's mouth opened for a brief moment, she wanted to speak but nothing was coming out. When he had turned his back toward her, she could feel the saddness around him that thickened the air. The female can hear her heart beating slowly.. thump thump... feeling her heart becoming colder and colder leisurely. Truly she wasn't becoming the person she wanted, she felt a heavy feeling upon her chest.. She extended her hand out while he had his back turned,only to bring it down.“The next time we see each other…if it’s not in bed..maybe it’s best we didn’t…I’ll get my stuff and leave the brothel. I’ll leave Nathan a few stacks for the trouble. To many memories..good bye blondie.” Hearing him say Bye Blondie, caused her heart to sink it echo'd throughout her head.. She felt frozen for a moment then shaking her head while he told her to have a real match one day. As she watched him to walking away as well as disappearing within the crowds from the females view. "C-Connor..." She gritted her teeth before the voice spoke to her within her head."Love is a pointless thing my child.. It will just become destruction an chaos.." Kodi scoffed before turning around,having a pained anger expression upon her face."Just shut the fuck up.Just because something happened in your life,doesn't effect mine.." The voice began to chuckle while she spoke once more.."Wise answer..Child." the voice came to a halt, while Kodi took a big breathe thus she took a step now heading down the street the opposite side to where Connor walked off from. She stopped and looked back at the Brothel shaking her head.."Now, to find that faggot ass father of mine.." Her target was now locked..Kodi would then bring herself onto her journey,fighting to keep emotions in bottled inside.. She was now instinctively in for the kill

//Present Area//( ) The pods were drained, and Connor would shoot his eyes open, sitting up a bit, and looking around. “wuh? The ninja thing! And the guy in white! And the…ugh.” Connor felt queasy all of a sudden, and as he tried to step outta the pod, he’d trip up a bit, as if he wasn’t used to something. He’d then squat down on the ground and look up at the scene. “uh? M-miss michiko. Grampz. D-dad? What’s going on?...and why do I feel like I’m about to blow chunks. Hm? Chunks….chunks…something doesn’t sound right…in fact..did you guys get taller???” (how Connor looked ) Suddenly beside him all he’d heard was t he sound of guts being puked out, and luqid spiling onto the floor. Beside Connor out would step Leon, holding his stomach and wincing in pain, with one eye open…and he was…small. Connor would stand to his full heigh pointing at Leon. “HOLY SHIT YOU’RE A KI-BLAAAARGH!” Connor would spew his guts up vomiting. “Now now kids try not to move around to much or you’ll….” Ochigi would sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose, but holding back happy tears that the kids were alive again. bite size, but alive. Densuke had walked in with Keyth and looked around to see everything that was going on. He’d run a hand through his hair and sigh. “it seems as if yet again I can never catch a break. Felicity.” Denuske would turn to his wifey dearest, and sigh. “Sorry I was gone for so long. We’ll have to catch up on The Walking Dead some other time?” Densuke would offer her a smile and attempt to hug her in comfort. Making his way over to the pods, Denske would drop down to his knees and smile, with almost watery eyes. Looking at his three kids, Connor,  Leon, and Katarina. He’d open his arms. “I don’t care if you smell like vomit, bring it home kids!” Kat spewed a chunk or two in a cute childlike fashion. It seems like just yesterday she was this small. She ran to Densuke crying  daddy, and wondering what was going on, but it all came out in babbled mush between tears. Connor would scratch his nappier than nappy brown hair, picking some dandruff and eating it. Leon would push Connor’s arm. “Sicko. You’re just as disgusting little as you are when we were old. Though even I don’t know what’s going on.”


“Sicko. You’re just as disgusting little as you are when we were old. Though even I don’t know what’s going on.”

Densuke would bring them in for a hug by force, happy to see his children again, before letting them all go and stand infront of them. Ochigi would walk up beside Densuke patting him on the shoulder. “Good to have you back. Both of you.” Ochigi would look to Keyth. “I’d also like to give a thank you to everyone who contributed on this project. We couldn’t have made it this far without any of you. As much as…I’d like to celebrate. The time is not now…there are pressing matters ahead of us…”Leon and Connor would look at each other with a scowl. Both speaking at the same time. “Don’t think this is over. When this is done, your ass is-OW!” Densukle would’ve hit both their foreheads with karate chops. “No cussing. You’re ages have regressed and while I respect your maturity,  until you’re normal again, lets act like our ages shall we?” Connor would throw his shoe in densuke’s face, letting it sit upon his face in a comical fashion. Connor would laugh loudly, holding his stomach and pointing at his father. Connor continued laughing until suddenly his body was wrapped up in webbing from the web shooter, his entire body except his head. “huh h-hey!” Densuke would pick him up and begin playing hacky sack with his son’s body, kicking him up and down with his right foot, and switching to his left foot on occasion. “I hear you Keyth…that goes for everyone. These are our children. We’ll be damned before we let them experience this again.” Densuke had a stern tone, serious in his words and meaning every single one.


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Connor would perk his head up, realziing that everything that happened with him and kodi was a dream! He'd roll off of his dad's foot, and hop over to look at all the pods, scanning each one, to see if Kodi was there. They'd had pods with their names on them, and found one labled "Kodi Torabassu."...but she wasn't in there. "Dad, where's kodi?! w-..where she go.." Densuke would raise his brows a bit. "her? She left in a hurry. Said she'd something to get to, and we sent her off. Told her to be careful out there. She's your girlfriend isn't she?" Connor would lower his head, and turn to look at the pod, with a saddened look on his face. Realizing she was gone...and that terrible aweful nightmare, had become his ultimate reality.

SayuriAkagi: (( Tomoko couldn’t help but to play the video on her computer over and over again her eyes unable to believe that her daughter and son were alive as she paced the floored with her cell phone in hand trying desperately to get Akuma on the line, she couldn’t for the life of her understand just what so important at that moment than finding out that their babies were alive and quite possibly some where in the city waiting for them. She listened again as his voicemail picked up almost growling at the sound of it out complete and utter agitation with the man as she jerked the phone back looking at it as if it were the problem while trying to talk some sense into herself before she hurled it to the other side of the room quiet possibly breaking, after about a minute or two she places back onto her right ear deciding to leave a message, “Babe Idk what the hell you are doing right now, but I got a message from that email address that Densuke gave me. Sian and Akira are alive love I’m looking at the video of them in some kind of pods right now….please come home so you can see the proof for yourself so you know that I’m not making this up…please.” Is all she says into the device before finally allowing her index finger to end the call before going back to the computer. Taking a seat in the chair that sat behind the desk Tomoko went to work trying everything she knew to trace the severs location where the message came from the legal end of life to even the illegal but every time she came even close to zeroing in on the damn thing she found herself being hacked from another end, causing her to immediately shut down her own systems in order to keep from having a virus being uploaded on her instead. After about the 6th attempt Tomoko throws up her hands in defeat but in truth she really was ready to give up the search on finding her children but what she could do, her only link to them was doorway of pure hell through cyber space. It was then that she remember something once told to her by her Grandmother Mai, upon meeting the kind hearted and sometime dim witted woman who doting on her so. It was a long shot and it would take quite a bit of her own chi to bring such a lantant power to the surface but what choice did she have she needed a way to reach Akira and Sian since she couldn’t be there with them at this exact moment so taking several deep breaths she concentrated on everything a mother would know and should know about her children, from their first touch of their hands to sweet sound of their steps, their voices as they said their first word to memories of their first day of school. And the 34yr began to grasp these thoughts and memories together she bound them up into her heart parted her lips and began to sing a song that she was sure that could reach out to them in the hopes that some how some way they would hear her voice and come home someday soon. (the link above is the song) <C>

SayuriAkagi: -///////Meanwhile back to Sian//////////About her she hear the could hear the sound of what she believed was water retreating from about her starting with her head first then moving lower to about her waist while in her mind she could hear the faint sounds of a soft melody, a lullaby from what she could make out one that her mother used to sing specifically for her and Akira when they were little when she’d tell them stories about their father who at the time they had never met and it was the one thing that she remembered most fondly from her childhood as her Mom had always been her guiding light, and always would be. As the rejuvenating fluids lowered further from her waist to her thighs she could hear the song pick up key and begin to understand some of the lyrics, as they were being sung in Japanese a language and by a woman no less her presence near Sian was strong while the song continued on giving her first a message before moving on to the pod that was next to it that was presuming Akira’s. The voice was none other than their Mother’s Sian soon realized as the rest of the fluid left her own pod completely the sound of the hatch starting to release as it began to raise up over the visage of the 13yr form that was Sian Tetsu, her hair now long down to her butt and the color of a ocean like blue both wild an untamed about the frame of her soft Asian like features with natural pink lip that were semi-full in form (( what she looks like but the hairs longer)). She could feel her eyes starting to move but the process to lift her full lashes was still hard even with the sound of Tomoko’s voice urging her own it was quite a feet but yet she managed feeling the warmth of her love even from so far at a glance. ~Mom? I hear you but….where are you?~ she asks herself as she tries to move the other part of her body, her hands at first and then her feet all the while exposing her once lunar blues now golden amber eyes to the massive display of lights in the mist of the overly large laboratory which for what she could tell as they adjusted to seeing such lights after so long was underground. “Damnit that’s bright.” She growls jerking her head back from it at first motioning her right arm up over her face some to block it out for a moment before casually motioning her head back to the front again this time she could see things way more clearly as she soon saw that the room she was in was covered in pods filled with the students from Kasaihana High just like herself which in itself amazed her since she the last thing she remembers was Daisuke and Akira shooting out a huge blast together and then… “Akira!” Sian declared suddenly jumps out from her pod jerking herself towards the left only see her brother in the exact same machine she was just in and to be stopped by a sudden wave nausea to boot that causes her to fall to her knees throwing whatever contents that where in her stomach as one of the techs rushes over to aid the girl, “Take it easy, honey.” The woman tells her nodding to one of the assistants who was near by to go and get a glass of water for her while patting her on the back. “What’s your name love?” the tech asks glancing up for a moment as the other returns with the water and passes it to her with ease, Sian looks to the male with unease at first not knowing if she could trust him or not but given the fact she was so sick to her stomach and the taste of it in mouth was only making it worst she accepted it from him taking slow sips from the cup, “Sian, Sian Tetsu.” She finally told the woman who smiled back giving a nod to another whom nearby to go inform Michiko that yet another child of interest had revived before he too took off in the direction of where she could be. “I’m Gina, Sian.” The young girl gave the woman a faint smile as she had seen the other that was with Gina run off some where and could easily hear the man call out, “Dr. Akasawa, the Tetsu girl is awake” for those who were around and up to hear his words (open season on who hears this idc hahaha). Still looking around the place Sian can’t help but wonder just what the fuck is going on or why the name of that doctor the dude called out sounds so fucking familiar to her and even more so just why in the hell hadn’t Akira woken up yet as more and more of the students from their school began to file our from their pods to meet the same fate of nausea she had just had before jumping up onto the feet again to wonder as she had done with Gina’s help now that she was no long sick and able to use her land legs so to speak all the while she could still hear her mother’s song rolling over through head…////////////- <E>


( ::She was on a plane with a bunch of other students, nonchalantly staring out the window her elbow propped up on the windows edge. Suzume looked down at her school uniform.:: ~'Thats weird... I haven't worn a uniform like this since middle school." ::In all honestly she was completely confused, running her fingers over the fabric of her skirt. She then turned to the girl next to her.:: ~'Who is this girl... I've never seen her before... and why is she just staring at the front of the plane?'~ ::She reached over and tried to stir the girl. The girls body moved with the nudge but her eyes never left sight of the cockpit of the plane. Suzume started to worry.:: "Hey, why are we here? Where are we going?" ::Suzume's breathing began to get more rapid, as the nervousness became desperation. She tried to undue the seatbelt across her lap that kept her securely in the seat, however it refused to budge.:: "This isn't good what the hell is going on here!" ::Panicking she tried to some how slip out of the belt but no matter how she tried she couldn't get out of her seat. It was almost like everytime she struggled the belt held her down even tighter. That's when she heard it there was a loud explosion from outside of the plane. Suzume whipped her head and looked out the window to see smoke and flames coming from the planes engines, the plane began to plummet out of the air. But for some reason no one else was reacting to the situation. They all just sat like lifeless statues there eyes fixed on the cockpit of the plane.:: ( "Don't you see we're going to CRASH!!!!" ::She screamed as the plane obviously hit water. As water began to fill the now sinking plane, Suzume went into shock screaming but as the water came up the plane, and all the people on it dissolved and disappeared. Suzume was by herself, an odd bubble of water surrounding her like she was being submerged in a large tank. She tried to swim and get to the surface but she could not move. Her screams muffled as the water surrounded her.:: ( ::Once it had gone completely over her head and she was completely under water, Suzume realized... she could breath.:: "What the hell is going on. This has got to be the worst nightmare I've had ever." That's when everything around her grew dark, as she sank to the bottom of the watery void she was now trapped in. She could now walk, which she didn't know how was possible at all considering there wasn't anything really for her to walk on. Wandering around aimlessly in the watery darkness, she kept putting her hands out in front of her searching the nothingness in front of her, that's when she noticed a clearing ahead of her, a glow illuminating the area were something was moving. Suzume moved forward towards the only source of light when she got to the light she was finally able to see what was moving.:: ( ::The fish circling around each other, interchanging from darkness to light.:: ~'They're so beautiful, but... what does all this mean. I still have no idea what's going on, or where I am?'~ ::Suzume began to hear whispering behind her, and then a clear voice from the fish in front of her.:: "Don't turn around, do not listen to them, they will only drag you away to your own oblivion." ::Suzume shook her head.:: "What does that even mean" ::She then turned around.:: ( ::Suzume gasped and began to scream when she was met with a wall of soulless, demons. Their hands reaching out to her, she screamed and began to back away from them. That's when their hands sprang from their lifeless bodies like the tentacles of a monster.:: ( ::Suzume screamed and turned back towards where the fish had been but they were gone. The hands grabbed a hold of her pulling her back into a cesspool of darkness, hands clamping over her mouth and muffling her terrified screams. She slipped further and further into the darkness.:: ( "You idiot! Take my hand!" ::Suzume reached out and a hand pulled her out of the dark cesspool.:: ( ~'I told you human... I wasn't gonna let you die. Im still not finished with you yet.'~ ::Suzume gasped for air, a bright light coming in and shining right in her face, she could feel water emptying out around her. As her eyes, began to adjust she could tell she was in some sort of pod, as the water emptied out of the pod the doors in front of her decompressed with a loud hiss and opened up. A shot of cold blasting in made her shake and shiver.:: "What the fffffuck." ::Suzume's teeth chattered, and she hugged herself trying to get some sort of warmth. She tried to step out of the pod but stumbled, her legs felt like jelly. The type of feeling you get when you've been swimming way too long. She felt someone's arms encircle her as she almost faceplanted on the floor of the lab. Teeth chattering, that someone who had caught her managed to put a warm towel around her.::



"Sweetie what's your name?" ::Said the voice.:: "S..s..Suzume Ya..Yasutake." ::Her stomach lurched and she proceeded to vomit on the floor. Whatever was going on, and where ever she was, Suzume was just grateful not to be in that nightmare any longer. Finally able to focus a bit Suzume looked at herself.:: "What the hell! Why am I so young!" ::Suzume swore that she now looked like she was twelve all over again.::

Guest_Keizumai: -Akira would have been standing with both his hands raised up as he was standing in his fathers Devil Fist style , Akira would have been surrounded by what could have been hundreds or maybe even thousands of Demons all shapes, forms, and kinds. His body beating and battered from his almost endless battle "Come on I don't have all day if your going to fight me then fight me " Akira taunted which was quickly responded to as a massive demon with a club in his hand charge at him, the creature resembled a monkey in the face and body though it's legs looked like theat of an horses hind legs and large teeth that resemble that of an ogre (( , Akira then Gritted his teeth He had been fighting ever since he got there almost with out a break and to make matters worst everything he ran across wanted to kill him all of which said something about his blood , the demon would then swing its giant club down attempting to smash him though he'd quickly roll outta the way and to his feet only to have to do a matrix like back end to avoid the horizontal swing of an unholy looking battle Axe , Akira would then snap his body back upwards only to get backhanded By the Massive Cyclops like demon sending his body crashing through the wave of demons like a bowling ball knocking over all the pins Akira's body would eventually come to a stop and he'd begin to get up only to notice a large shadow forming around him and when he looked up he'd see the large demon which would land directly on top of him the sheer weight of it causing a loud *BOOM* noise while sending pieces of dust and earth everywhere all the other demons would wait anxiously to see if he had killed the boy though when the smoke cleared they'd see a woman standing there with a dark blue old but elegant looking dress of sorts(( )), the woman had long sliver hair and red eyes all of the demons would simply stare at her for a minute one was about to say something till he felt a large chunk of something hit him followed by a red mist and soon most of them would be covered in a red substance and once the dust cleared completely they'd that it was actually blood and that the thing that hot them was the remains of the massive demon that tried to kill the boy the woman would then bend down and grab Akira by his collar and lift him off the ground she'd then sling his body to the left and outta no where another sliver haired demon would appear though this time it was a male with blue eyes and dressed in mostly white and had an apperal similar to that of a preist (( )) the woman would then begun to speak "Sasha take him to my chambers and have your sister heal the child" and just like that the male would disappear and Akira with him the woman however stayed behind surrounded by hundreds of demons "its quite unfortunate that you decided to mess with my descendants its such a shame really" one of the large demon would come forward "Please lady Beatrice forgive us we didn't know that that child was your descendant ple...-" The male would have been cut off "if I wanted an apology I would have asked for one...heh a general pleading is unsightly at least die with some form dignity" the general would then get quiet and his face more serious" I see " the general would then pull out his blade "Attack" All the demons would all charge at her at once and she'd simply grin as they did//Meanwhile// Akira would be lying down on a large table his body battered but not to bad, a woman with long blonde hair would be rubbing a glowing blueish liquid in her hands(( ))  she then turn to Akira and began to rub her hands over his body "well your quite muscular even though you have such a tiny frame" she'd say to herself as she did continued to rub him down when she was done she'd remove the remaining clothing from his body and tossing them to the side she'd then place him in a black shirt and with a tie before slipping a purple pin striped suit jacket over him and then sliding a pair of slacks on to his legs and finally putting some black dress shoes onto his feet, all of which fit him perfectly almost as if they had it ready for him all along  his hair was much longer and she had styled it differently than before(( )) (( the sliver haired male would then come into the room " oh your done already" the girl would smile "yes this child's healing is rather astonishing most of his injuries was already healing by the time I started he should be awakening any minute now" "well he is the descendant of my lady so I guess that should be expected oh well walk it seems he starting to wake up" Akira begin to shift around a little before he opened his eyes his lunar blues now a red color shifting around the room seeing a blonde haired woman and the sliver haired male he sat up right though he didn't say anything he simply just stared unsure if they had helped him or if they just capture him, The sliver haired male would then begin to speak"I apologize our unsightly meeting young master I am Hercule and the woman here that healed you is my sister Aura " the woman would smile at him"I wish that we had more time for introduction and to explain but at last we do not you won't be here very much longer" Akira was rather confused though they clearly wasn't trying to kill him so that was a plus he was about to respond to the male but stopped when he was suddenly teleported into a bed chamber "the hell" he'd say looking around till be heard a soft yet very mature and demanding voice from behind him say his name when he turned around he saw the sliver haired lady from before. "So who are you supposed to be" the woman laughed "well well for that some way to show thanks to someone who saved your life " she'd say as she walked towards him "you know the funny thing is I never asked for your help lady" the woman would continue to walk towards him and once she got a few inches from him she'd stick out her left hand and gently place it on to his cheek "your a lot like your grandfather you know that your very prideful though your also very rude" Akira would suddenly feel her hand slide from his cheek to his neck as she began to choke him lifting his body off of the ground" now let's try this again shall we Akira I just saved your life now what is the proper response" Akira hands would have grip onto her arm trying to pull it away but to no avail "Thank you" he say in a low raspy like voice due to being choked. "good boy "the woman would then let him fall to the ground and she'd simply walk over to her window looking out of it" Akira there are many things that you must learn about yourself and those and if I was able to reach you faster I might have been able to explain thong to you but I do not have the time " She'd then walk back over to Akira who was still on the floor holding his neck , She'd then place her hand onto his chest and a red light would appear from her hands and on his chest would be a small symbol(( <----what the symbol looked like)) "if you ever happen to come back to this world you'll automatically be sent here but for now Akira you must return so try not to die i have big plans for you my child do not dissappoint me" She say smiling at him Akira was about to say something but suddenly there'd be a flash of light and everything would disappear::back to the Pods:: Akira's body would begin to move slightly and soon after ward he'd open his lunar blue eyes seeing himself inside a small pod underwater Akira panicked a bit and literally began beating on it before he literally broke it causing the water like substance to pour out onto the floor along with his body, he was extremely nauseous and almost threw up but didn't his head was spinning and throbbing though eventually it subside , Akira would have placed both his hands onto the ground and lifting himself up off the ground till he was on all fours ~the hell was that~ he thought as he pushed himself to his feet his stature much smaller than what it was before, he'd be wearing nothing but a pair of all black sports briefs. His tiny muscular frame changed a lot, his hair would have now been a blonde color and his eyes a slightly deeper tone of blue his looks have even began to change as he seemed to be coming into him self more so rather than looking like his father though they still resembled each other just not as much-
