The Savage Lands Roleplay Wiki

People and mutants fought, and in the end the citizens of KasaiHana City succeeded.

~ Ark 11 Information Below ~ 


Ending the Infestation []

The tragedy of the walls coming down began to mend itself. The first part of this slow recovery came when the relay message that had been sent out was finally received. The unknown group of helping hands started to help clean up the city, and though their help was gladly received, it was still not enough to truly and thoroughly cleanse the city of the troubles that had overcome it.

Soon another heroic effort came to light. Jason Caldwell, with the help of a few others, had created a unique weapon meant to wipe out some of the mutant infestation within the KasaiHana City walls. The weapon constructed was a missile system that, using similar technology to heat-seekers, could target specific DNA types or organics of a certain genetic coding. This DNA-coded missile system began its work, and started wiping out the low-level mutants who created the vast majority of mutant beasts that had come into the KasaiHana City walls. At this advancement and the acceptance of help from the group from beyond the walls, things began to look more and more hopeful.

The final striving point at this attempt to return to the city to normalcy was when Ochigi was able to get into the city’s defense systems. By hacking it after its original terrorizing hack that had let the mutants in, Ochigi was able to finally raise the walls around KasaiHana City once more. With security restored to the citizens, uniformity and commonness returned slowly. While quite a bit of reconstruction would be needed in the future, the major threat was over.

The walls had been raised at last, and the majority of the mutants in the city wiped away. Construction would’ve just started its very beginning efforts and with outward assistance, the city began to make its slow recovery from the terrorist-spurred invasion of mutants. 
