The Savage Lands Roleplay Wiki

Welcome to the story managment page.

To Help with future plots and events to come, this page has been constructed so that everything will fall into order and everything will be laid out for those to see.

However, this is simply the Story Managment template page. For each Ark, they will have there own specific Story Management page where everyone will be able to see, and add plot into to make the incoming story alot more broader.


One of the main issues that we had back in Ark 20 was that we'd make episodes part 1, 2,3,4,5,6 blah blah you get it. This number got crazy high for long subplots that didn't need to be that long so, a trick was made to make things just a WEEEEEEEEEE bit eaiser.

When ever you post up an episode that ties into your Sub-plot, or your Main plot, all you have to do is place the categorey of the name of your main plot, or sub plot, at the bottom of the page and this will make things about 55% easier. Because 55% is better then crap shit, remember that.

Once your characters in a plot


Make that character be in any other plots besides the one your in. This is simply due to the fact of time contradictions. If your character is everyone and anywhere then the continunity of time is dirupted. Things are out of order. One of the main issues we've ben dealing with in YMRP.

Main plot[]

Here will got the main plots, followed by a brief descrption of the goal, if it has an antagonist, the purpose, and then those who are going to be in the story itself.


( Here is where you place the partcipants of said plot in bullet form. People can be removed and added at anytime. )

Sub plots[]

Here are where the subplots are going to be, taking in light detail about the sub plot, and whats it about.


Sub plots must in some way or form CONNECT Into the main plot


( Here is where you place the partcipants of said plot in bullet form. People can be removed and added at anytime. )
